ASI is now accepting applications for appointed positions to serve during the 2024-2025 academic year. Candidates should meet the CSU system-wide requirement of eligibility, which includes: a 2.0 GPA or higher, attending 1 semester at Cal Poly Pomona, taken and received credit for at least 6 semester units, good standing with the Office of Student Conduct & Integrity, and having not exceeded the unit load maximum. After reviewing the opportunities below, please click the on the application.

Note: For any questions about the appointment process, please contact us at

Application Period: Summer 2024
How to Apply: Learn more about Appointed Positions

meeting gavel on top of a laptop

Attorney General

The ASI Attorney General is an Executive Member, the chair of the ASI Rules and Policies Committee, and serves on the ASI Board of Directors, Cabinet, ASI Finance Committee, ASI Governmental Affairs Committee, ASI Inter-Council Committee, and ASI Facilities and Operations Committee.

stack of money, pens, and a calculator on a table


The ASI Treasurer is an Executive Member, the chair of the ASI Finance Committee, member of the Cabinet, serves on the Board of Directors, and acts as liaison for the ASI Rules and Policies Committee.

  • Serve as Parliamentarian on ASI committees and assist in conducting all meetings under Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Ensure organization and entity-wide compliance with and consistent application of ASI rules, codes, policies, the ASI By-Laws, as well as applicable state and/or federal law.
  • Review ASI By-Laws to ensure that council or club By-Laws do not conflict with those of ASI and assign student clubs to a council.
  • Act as a point of contact for students and student organizations to bring forth resolutions, bills, and other legislation to the Rules and Policies Committee.
  • Maintain oversight over the usage and spending of all ASI fees, as well as serve as the student voice on university budgetary issues.
  • Chair the ASI Joint Budget F&O/Finance Committee Meetings.
  • Oversee fiscal matters pertaining to clubs and councils through the ASI Finance Committee.
  • Provide outreach to Treasurers from clubs and councils by offering budget workshops and assistance with forms.
  • Plan and implement all ASI annual budgeting workshops.
  • Assist with the drafting of the ASI budget.
Various food items in the Poly Pantry

Secretary of Basic Needs

The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is the chair of the Basic Needs Committee and ASI’s primary advocate for the development and implementation of basic needs initiatives for the current population. The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is the primary liaison to the Basic Needs Care Coordinator.

Voting registration posters on a table

Officer of Civic Engagement

The ASI Officer of Civic Engagement is the ASI Governmental Affairs Committee’s coordinator for activities regarding voter engagement and communication.

  • Conducting research and outreach to the student population regarding the issues around food, housing, transportation, and financial insecurity and working to find solutions.
  • Coordinating with campus health and wellness areas to improve their reach and accessibility, as well as gathering student feedback on how ASI or Cal Poly Pomona can better provide resources.
  • Reaching out to on-campus and/or external organizations to provide additional methods of support.
  • Developing and maintaining a voter registration strategy that includes 2 voter registration drives per term.
  • Communicating with on-campus Cultural and Resource Centers to promote civic engagement in traditionally underserved communities.
Students farming at the CPP Lyle Center

Officer of Sustainability

The Officer of Sustainability seeks to make ASI and Cal Poly Pomona a more sustainable and environmentally friendly campus and serves on the ASI Basic Needs Committee.

Hermanas Unidas club marching on campus

Officer of Diversity and Inclusion

The ASI Officer of Diversity and Inclusion is the ASI Student Government lead advocate for inclusion and diversity outreach on the campus to support all students.

  • Initiating and collaborating between ASI and other environmentally friendly organizations and departments on campus.
  • Conducting a review of ASI’s programs, services, and space to improve ASI’s sustainability.
  • Partnering with relevant university entities such as the University Sustainability Coordinator, Parking and Transportation Services, and Foundation Dining Services to find sustainable solutions for the campus.
  • Serving as the primary liaison to the Cal Poly Pomona retention centers and student cultural organizations to support all students.
  • Advocating support for inclusive policies and practices at the ASI, university, state, and CSSA levels for all students.
  • Promoting and developing initiatives and programs that amplify all student voices and advance social change.
hands holding a vote pin

Elections Chair

The Elections Chair is a member of the Cabinet and chairs the Elections Committee.

We heart transfer baseball hat on a merchandise table

Officer of Transfer Engagement

The ASI Officer of Transfer Engagement is the ASI Student Government lead advocate for transfer student outreach.

  • Providing necessary outreach to the student body regarding the process for becoming a candidate in an upcoming ASI Election.
  • Leading the Elections Committee in coordinating ASI Elections and special elections/referendums when requested.
  • Maintaining the electoral system and handling any complaints that may arise during the election process.
  • Collaborating with campus partners to look into the improvement of student education resources.
  • Engaging with and improving the transfer experience.
  • Assisting in the execution of the ASI Bronco Associated Students Experience (BASE) program with a focus on retaining transfer students.
student holding a graduation cap

Officer of Academic Affairs

The ASI Officer of Academic Affairs is ASI Student Government’s lead advocate for all matters related to academic policy and classroom matters, advocating for an equitable, inclusive, and stimulating academic environment. The ASI Officer of Academic Affairs shall serve as the primary liaison between ASI Student Government and the university’s Division of Academic Affairs administration.

various electronic devices on a table

Officer of Technology

The Officer of Technology is ASI Student Government’s lead advocate for student-friendly technology, including but not limited to digital software, applications, websites, and social media platforms. The ASI Officer of Technology shall serve as the primary liaison between ASI Student Government and the University’s Division of Information Technology (IT) Administration and various ASI departments regarding technology matters.

  • Serving as the ASI representative on the university Academic Senate and other relevant university committees related to academic policy.
  • Ensuring that the student body is aware of changes to educational curriculum and policy, including but not limited to the addition and deletion of classes, impaction of majors, and the addition and deletion of majors and fields of emphasis.
  • Meeting with ASI Senators from each college to understand the issues students face in different fields and coordinate advocacy.
  • Partnering with the university to work on efforts to increase graduation and retention rates.
  • Coordinating with the Governmental Affairs team to spearhead advocacy related to educational policy within the CSU and the state of California.
    • Staying current and reviewing technology the university and ASI use and plans to implement for students to ensure that safety, privacy, accessibility, and efficacy are a priority.
    • Researching new technology that the university and ASI could use to better enhance the student experience.
    • Serving on university and ASI Committees related to technology, including, but not limited to the University Technology Working Groups and ASI Technology Review Committee.
    • Meeting with the university’s IT Administration to bring any concerns regarding Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI), Administrative Technology, Communication Technology, Data Governance, Information Security, Infrastructure Technology, and Instructional Technology.


Applicants will apply to be elected by their corresponding council in the summer of 2024 following verification of eligibility.

The voting members of the Senate consist of 8 Senators, one from each university college, as well as 4 elected Senators representing each of the At-Large councils:

Multicultural Council, Student Interest Council, Greek Council, Inter-Hall Council

They are responsible for:

  • Creating and passing regulations and policies consistent with the ASI By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, University policy, CSU policy, and state & federal law.
  • Providing fiscal oversight and making appropriate decisions to protect ASI‘s financial interest.
  • Approving the ASI and BSC annual budgets.
  • Attending their respective council meetings.
  • Facilitating communication between ASI, the campus, and their constituency.
  • Serving on a minimum of 2 relevant committees to represent ASI.

Committee Appointments

There are a host of ASI specific and university wide committees. We welcome you to apply to be part of our committees as a Student At-Large.

Application Period: Fall semester

How to Apply: For more information, follow the Committee Appointments page.

The ASI Treasurer is the fifth-highest ASI Executive Student Leader and is appointed by the ASI President.

The ASI Treasurer shall oversee fiscal matters for any ASI organization that requests and receives ASI funding and monitors all ASI budget matters. The ASI Treasurer shall serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee and Chair of the Joint Budget Committee.

The ASI Treasurer, in consultation with the ASI Executive Director or designee, is authorized to:

  • Monitor all ASI funds.
  • Receive and process all budget requests.
  • Plan and implement all ASI annual budget meetings.
  • Draft the ASI annual budget and have final authority on all annual budget recommendations(s) to the ASI Board of Directors.
  • Present the annual ASI budget to the ASI Board of Directors.
  • Present the ASI Board of Directors approved budget to the ASI President and thereafter to the University Chief Fiscal Officer for approval.
  • Collaborate with the university in search of grants and financial resources.
  • Assist with Instructionally Related Activities budgeting, as requested by the university.

The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is ASI Student Government’s primary liaison for the development and implementation of basic needs initiatives for the current population. The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs shall serve as the Chair to the ASI Basic Needs Committee and as the primary liaison to the Cal Poly Pomona Integrated Care Network.

The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is responsible for:

  • Conducting research and
    outreach to the student population regarding the issues around food, housing, transportation,
    and financial insecurity and working to find solutions.
  • Coordinating with campus
    health and wellness areas to improve their reach and accessibility and gathering student
    feedback on how ASI or Cal Poly Pomona can better provide resources.
  • Reaching out to on-campus
    and/or external organizations to provide additional methods of support.

The ASI Secretary of External Affairs is the ASI Student Government’s organizer for political activity. The ASI Secretary of External Affairs shall serve as the Chair of the ASI Governmental Affairs Committee and as the primary liaison to the University Office of Governmental and External Affairs.

The ASI Attorney General is the fourth highest ranking ASI Executive Student Lear and is appointed by the ASI President. The ASI Attorney General shall serve as the Chair of the ASI Rules and Policies Committee and the parliamentarian for the ASI Board of Directors and the ASI Cabinet.

Authorization. The ASI Attorney General is authorized to:

  • Review all amendments to the ASI Bylaws and club organizational charters;
  • Assign student clubs to an ASI council in coordination with the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers;
  • Ensure organization and entity-wide compliance with and consistent application of ASI policies, codes, and these Bylaws as well as applicable state and federal laws and regulations;
  • Ensure that council or club Bylaws do not conflict with ASI Bylaws;
  • Take disciplinary measures with due process to ensure compliance;
  • Prosecute for ASI all violations of ASI policies, codes, and these Bylaws before the ASI Board of Directors; and
  • Directly consult with Legal Counsel.

The ASI Treasurer is the fifth highest ASI Executive Student Leader and is appointed by the ASI President.

The ASI Treasurer shall oversee fiscal matters for any ASI organization that requests and receives ASI funding and monitors all ASI budget matters. The ASI Treasurer shall serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee and Chair of the Joint Budget Committee.

Authorization. The ASI Treasurer, in consultation with the ASI Executive Director or designee, is authorized to:

  •  Monitor all ASI funds;
  • Receive and process all budget requests;
  • Plan and Implement all ASI annual budget meetings;
  • Draft the ASI annual budget and have final authority on all annual budget recommendations(s) to the ASI Board of Directors.
  • Present the annual ASI budget to the ASI Board of Directors;
  • Present the ASI Board of Directors approved budget to the ASI President and thereafter to the University Chief Fiscal Officer for approval;
  • Collaborate with the University in search of grants and financial resources; and
  • Assist with Instructionally Related Activities budgeting, as requested by the University.

The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is ASI Student Government’s primary liaison for the development and implementation of basic needs initiatives for the current population. The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs shall serve as the Chair to the ASI Basic Needs Committee and as the primary liaison to the Cal Poly Pomona Integrated Care Network.

The ASI Secretary of Basic Needs is responsible for:

  • Conducting research and
    outreach to the student population regarding the issues around food, housing, transportation,
    and financial insecurity and working to find solutions.
  • Coordinating with campus
    health and wellness areas to improve their reach and accessibility and gathering student
    feedback on how ASI or Cal Poly Pomona can better provide resources.
  • Reaching out to on-campus
    and/or external organizations to provide additional methods of support.