How do you recharge? With our #RechargeCPP campaign, we are discovering students’ stories about how they reinvent, redefine and recharge themselves and the world around them while using the Bronco Recreational and Intramural Complex (BRIC, Bldg. 42).

With fall 2017 wrapped up, we focused on how Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) students reinvented themselves while using the BRIC.

We sat down with Christina Trimingham, a second-year environmental geology student and attendant at the BRIC’s Bronco Peak, where she not only works but also frequents during her time off.

“I think I’ve used the BRIC to reinvent myself by really meshing with the community here,” Trimingham explained, “the BRIC is basically my college experience.”

Trimingham explained that she met many of her friends while using the BRIC. She stated, “I’m here every day, my friends are here, I know everyone that works here, I meet a lot of new friends here and the community is really supportive. It’s just a really healthy community to be around. Everyone has goals and ambitions.”

Trimingham’s goal is to become an outdoor guide for Campus Recreation’s Adventures team. There are many certifications and trainings to complete before she can apply, and she is working hard to accomplish the checkpoints she needs.

“I think it is really humbling to be a climber because it’s like you will never be the best in the world,” Trimingham said. “There’s always more to learn and you will never know everything.”

Giving advice to CPP students who aren’t utilizing the BRIC, Trimingham encourages students to go to one of the many free or $5 classes the BRIC offers. “I would say just come in for a day, and whatever interests you, just try it out. It is definitely easy to make friends,” she said. “The easiest thing to do is to go to a class because you aren’t alone.”

Trimingham recognizes the perks of working on campus, especially for Campus Rec. “The best part about working at the BRIC is the community here. It’s a real family-feel and I’ve made a lot of really good friends here,” she explained. “If it wasn’t for the BRIC, I wouldn’t have found them because they all wouldn’t have congregated anywhere else.”

In winter 2018, we are focusing on how Broncos redefine themselves by using the BRIC. So, how have you redefined yourself or your worldview while using the BRIC? Share with us using #RechargeCPP, and you could be featured in next quarter’s newsletter or on Campus Rec’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!