Committee Appointments Information

There are a host of ASI-specific and university-wide committees. We welcome you to apply to be part of our committees as a Student At-Large.
The following positions must meet the CSU system wide requirement of eligibility, which includes: a 2.0 GPA or higher, attended 1 semester at Cal Poly Pomona, having taken and received credit for at least 6 semester units, being in good standing with the Office of Student Conduct & Integrity, and having not exceeded the unit load maximum.
Did you know that there are ways to get involved with Student Government without running for an elected position? You can have a role in Student Government and have your voice heard by university administration without attending our standing our ad hoc committee meetings.
Our ASI Cabinet Committee chairs, university departments, and other campus entities regularly seek student feedback.
If you would like to join the pool of Students At-Large, follow the link below and we will reach out to you.

ASI Facilities & Operation Committee
ASI Facilities & Operations Committee, which is chaired by the Senator Pro-Temp, shall formulate all decisions in regard to operational use, funding, oversight, and operation of the Bronco Student Center (BSC) and the Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex (BRIC). For more information, click below.

ASI Governmental Affairs Committee
ASI Governmental Affairs is a recommending body to the ASI Senate. The Committee shall educate and engage the campus community on matters pertaining to local, state, and federal government operations and activities, as well as legislation and policy development affecting CPP students and the CSU System.

ASI Elections Committee
ASI Elections Committee, chaired by the Elections Chair, is responsible for conducting all elections and determining election rules. It shall also post a list of all candidates who meet qualifications as set down in the Elections Code.

ASI Basic Needs Committee
The ASI Basic Needs Committee shall promote the fulfillment of students’ basic needs to the campus community and empower them to identify needs of students as it pertains to food, housing, transportation, and financial insecurities.

University-Wide Committees
More than 50 committees request student representation from ASI throughout the academic year. The ASI President receives a formal request from the committee, meets with students who have turned in an application, and appoints a student whose interests match the purpose of the committee’s charge.

Ad-Hoc ASI Diversity Funding Guidelines Committee
ASI Diversity Funding Guidelines Committee is a recommending body to the ASI Senate. The Committee shall educate and engage the campus community on matters pertaining to local, state, and federal government operations and activities, and legislation and policy development affecting CPP students and the CSU System.

Ad Hoc ASI Sustainability Committee
The Ad Hoc ASI Sustainability Committee shall promote the fulfillment of sustainability goals for the campus community and empower them to identify special areas as it pertains to sustainability. The Committee shall coordinate with the university, local, state, and federal resources to develop and implement projects that improve sustainability efforts.

Ad Hoc ASI Lifetime Membership Committee
ASI Governmental Affairs is a recommending body to the ASI Senate. The Committee shall educate and engage the campus community on matters pertaining to local, state, and federal government operations and activities, as well as legislation and policy development affecting CPP students and the CSU System.