While some students went on a lavish vacation or crammed for summer quarter midterms, student leaders and professional staff from Orientation Services (OS) and Associated Students Inc. (ASI) were hard at work on campus all summer long with freshmen orientation programs.

This summer, there were nine freshmen orientation programs, which meant nine Bronco Spirit Nights.

Students dancing outdoors
Students featured dancing in a group with their hands in the air. 

Bronco Spirit Night is an event presented by ASI during each freshmen orientation program to give incoming Broncos an opportunity to explore the Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex (BRIC, Bldg. 42), form friendships with their new classmates and get a taste of everything ASI has to offer.

Students climbing BRIC's Bronco Peak

View from the bottom looking at a student climbing the BRIC’s Bronco Peak as another student is belaying down to the floor. 

ASI works in partnership with OS each summer to provide incoming students with the best orientation experience as possible. The goal with each Bronco Spirit Night is to allow new students to form a connection to the campus. This way, students are immersed in the campus community before they even register for their courses.

New students walking past BRICA herd of new Broncos eagerly travel from The Bronco Student Center (BSC) to the BRIC for the highly anticipated Bronco Spirit Night.

There were many options for new Broncos to explore at Bronco Spirit Night. Flash tattoos, karaoke, prize wheels and a dance floor were just some of the available activities for students to enjoy. The BRIC’s Bronco Peak, spin studio and pool were open for students to try out as well.

Student singing in spinning class
A student featured singing on a microphone while other students are spinning on spin bikes at the BRIC. 

Moises McCulloch and Sara Vasquez spinning prize wheel
Moises McCulloch and Sara Vasquez (right) giving prizes to students who spin the ASI prize wheel. 

ASI’s message cannot be spread without a little bit of help. Each year, five student brand ambassadors (fittingly nicknamed the Fab Five) are chosen to be the faces of ASI. Before each Bronco Spirit Night, these students put on a fun and informative presentation for the incoming freshmen to learn all about getting involved with ASI.

Chris Campos and Sara Vasquez dancing on stage
Chris Campos (left) and Sara Vasquez (right) on stage dancing during their ASI presentation to a crowd of freshman students. 

Fab Five members Moises McCulloch and Sara Vasquez are passionate about serving students and making sure they know all of the opportunities available with ASI.

ASI isn’t just about events on campus,” McCulloch wants students to know, “it’s an opportunity for [students] to get more involved in [departments such as] Student Government or Human Resources (HR) just to show them that there are tons of opportunities for them to be involved.”

Students posing for photo
Some of CPP’s newest Broncos pose for a photo on the dance floor.“The presentation was meant to show students that there is a place on campus that is all-inclusive and readily available to help them reach their fullest potential,” Vasquez said. “ASI and orientation go hand in hand.”

Orientation leaders and students posing for picture
Orientation leaders and their students gather for a post-dance party group photo.

The team effort between OS and ASI this summer gave students a first look at the BRIC and the countless ways to get involved with ASI. This partnership continues to serve as a promising way for new Broncos to begin their journey at Cal Poly Pomona.

To keep up with future ASI events, follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram, and remember to keep up with us on Snapchat @ASICPP.