Among the various resources that Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) has to offer is Human Resources (HR), located on the second floor of the Bronco Student Center (BSC, Bldg. 35) in room 2325. Here are a few things you should know about HR:

Student job positions, as well as non-student job positions, are posted daily on the ASI website and encompass all open ASI jobs. Job postings are also tacked to the bulletin board outside of the ASI HR office (Bldg. 35-2325).ASI HR front door with job bulletin
“I like being involved with all of the inner workings that go on in the background. I get to meet all of the new students and interact with all of the departments. I also like when I get to help people find new positions,” said Rudy Hinojo, current student and lead clerical assistant at ASI HR.

ASI HR internships are offered every quarter and are open to all students; however, the primary focus is on business students with a human resources emphasis. Students can learn more about internships by contacting HR directly. Inside HR office with employees

The HR office will be moving locations sometime in fall quarter to what was previously the Student Activities and Programs (SAP) office, located on the first floor of the BSC in room 1216 next to the Bronco Copy ‘N Mail. 
Bronco Student Center first floor with students
No definitive date has been set for the move, but changes will be announced on ASI social media platforms once they are solidified.

A majority of the employees working in the HR office are Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) alumni.
Back view of HR employee on computer
Charlene Garganera, HR assistant, graduated from CPP in 2015 with a business degree in management and human resources.

“It’s awesome to be working where I graduated—just working with the higher education field is amazing,” said Garganera.

HR attends a variety of part-time career and internship fairs throughout the quarter. To find out locations and dates for future career and internship fairs, feel free to contact HR directly.
Students filling forms at CPP job fair

For more information on ASI Human Resources, visit their website or contact them at or (909) 869-3546.