Hello, Broncos!

This year, Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) is striving to be more connected with the student body. I hope you enjoy “ASI on the Fly”, our quarterly video where we update you on the most important developments. If you’re more interested in the details of what your Student Government is doing for you, take a look below. We’ve also provided our Policy Agenda on our ASI website, where we define our goals for the year and our strategies for accomplishing them.


Advocacy and Statewide Impact:

Currently, we are accepting applications for Lobby Corps, enabling us to restart our advocacy efforts. A new structure is also being developed to provide more stability. We are entering conversations about a program for increasing voter registration and turnout. We will be hosting the California State Student Association (CSSA) meeting May 5-7.



We’ve started quarterly “ASI on the Fly“ videos, and I will be dedicating U-hours this school year for outreach. We are also developing the framework for the Campus Connectivity Committee, which will help facilitate outreach and support from ASI. 



We are planning a Spirit Week in winter quarter and the Bronco Olympics in spring quarter! Both events are specially tailored to help revitalize Bronco spirit on campus.


Housing, space and storage:

We are having conversations about a Housing Development Committee to help ensure that the development of new housing is centered around student input. This could also serve as an avenue for discussing the future of retired housing on campus, which could provide opportunities for tackling storage and space issues that student organizations have been facing.



We have developed the framework for the Transportation Advisory Committee, which will give students a greater voice regarding parking and transportation issues on campus while helping to develop solutions. We are also working on developing programs to combat food insecurity—more is coming soon!



While accomplishing new goals is important, ASI also does a lot of important work supporting individual students and ensuring student representation on decision-making bodies throughout campus. The ASI Vice President and I welcomed each freshman and transfer student class, and I have been appointing students to serve on committees. The ASI Cabinet was also formed this summer, and the ASI Senate had its first meetings. Much of the summer has been spent developing goals and strategies while developing leadership and teamwork.


Are we missing anything? Send an email to asipresident@cpp.edu!


We’re looking forward to an incredible year!

Uriah Sanders

ASI President