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  • ASI Gala

    Held just days after Valentine's Day, the annual Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Gala displayed love's many faces — romantic, platonic, self-love, and even musical passion. The ASI Bronco Events and Activities Team (BEAT) crafted an uplifting [...]

    by Phoenix Guevara

    Published On: February 29th, 2024

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  • Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) students showed school spirit during Bronco Spirit Week from Oct. 22-26, in which they participated in a week full of activities planned by ASI’s Bronco Events and Activities Team (BEAT). Monday Kickoff [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: March 7th, 2019
  • Voting season is right around the corner, and that means it’s your time to decide who will be a part of the next ASI Student Government! It’s a fairly easy process on the side of the voter, [...]

    by Serina Molano

    Published On: March 5th, 2019
  • If you’re thinking about running for a position with ASI Student Government, but don’t know where to start, then you’ve come to the right place! It might seem like a long and arduous process, but it’s actually [...]

    by Serina Molano

    Published On: February 19th, 2019
  • Whether it’s to communicate a deeper message or simply for aesthetic value, public art plays an important role in communities. Public art provides accessibility to masterpieces and the ability to reach the masses in a way [...]

    by Emily Iverson

    Published On: February 14th, 2019
  • From Frosted Flakes to Raisin Bran, it’s no question that cereal is the pillar of breakfast foods. It’s a fast and easy option, and many of us have nostalgic memories attached to our favorite sugary brands. With that being said, it’s [...]

    by Emily Iverson

    Published On: February 14th, 2019
  • Not many students know that being a Student Government leader at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) is an opportunity not to be taken lightly, and in addition to having a bigger voice on campus, there’s a few perks you might just [...]

    by Serina Molano

    Published On: February 8th, 2019