Written by guest writer Lauren D’Souza, Cal Poly Pomona Student 

Do you remember your freshmen or transfer orientation? For the most part, I remember my orientation leader’s face but not their name. Because of the impact my orientation leader had on me, I wanted to create a lasting impression on future Broncos.

After having the pleasure of working with Orientation Services this past summer, here are some reasons why every student at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) should consider applying to be an orientation leader.

  1. Orientation Services is a fun job environment where you get to welcome future Broncos, their parents, families and guests to campus!
  2. You get to meet lots of new people, be a mentor for incoming students and build friendships with your coworkers and professional staff.
  3. If you are a commuter, such as myself, you get to experience living on campus. You have a built-in support system to get you through those last orientation programs.
  4. You will learn lots of fun facts and campus traditions about CPP that you didn’t know before. Now, after having been an orientation leader, I can officially give good campus tours of my own campus.
  5. You will feel more involved and connected on campus.
  6. This job helps you grow both on a personal and professional level. I had numerous mentors such as my orientation captain, returning orientation leaders, professional staff and my fellow orientation leaders.
  7. Even if you had a horrible experience with your CPP orientation, you have the opportunity to change that for the new incoming Cal Poly Pomona students!
  8. The summer memories you will make will last you a lifetime. Plus, you will never find such a fun and unforgettable experience here at Cal Poly Pomona!

After having worked with CPP Orientation Services for the 2015 summer, I can honestly say that I enjoyed meeting new people, getting to know professional staff at the university, and of course welcoming the new faces of CPP. If you are the lucky student who gets selected to be an orientation leader for next summer, I wish you the very best and to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that Orientation Services has to offer.

For information on how to get involved with Orientation Services, visit their website.