One of the best perks about being a college student is the discounts available. You may or may not know, but numerous brands offer student discounts, with very simple ways to verify if you are a student. To access most discounts, you’ll need to log in to your student portal or show your BroncoID as proof! Below, you will find discounts you should take advantage of while you are enrolled at Cal Poly Pomona!
- Music: Apple Music & Spotify Premium
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In order to get the adjusted student price, both Apple Music and Spotify require students to verify their university by logging into the school’s portal or by uploading proof of enrollment. Both platforms have you select the year you anticipate graduating, since both student bundles are only offered for a total of four years. After being verified, these subscriptions will be discounted by 50 percent! An individual subscription is normally $10 a month, so you’ll only pay $5 a month. Both streaming services also come with an additional perk: the Spotify student subscription comes with access to Hulu and Showtime, while Apple Music comes with Apple TV+.
2. Apple
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Apple Products are a popular choice for many college students. Investing in a reliable laptop or tablet, such as a MacBook or iPad, is beneficial for all college students since you will be using them in all your classes. Apple Education offers various discounted rates on some of Apple’s most popular products. You are eligible for these discounts if you are a college student, faculty member, or homeschool teacher. From MacBooks to iPads, the Apple Education website is a perk for any student wanting to save money. Apple also offers a student discount on many apps including Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor, Logic Pro, and MainStage.
3. Amazon Prime Student
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As college students, many of us love the convenience of being able to order something and it be delivered within a day or two, and with Amazon Prime, this becomes a reality. When we need a book for a class or goggles for our bio lab ASAP, Amazon Prime comes in handy. Amazon offers students a free subscription for the first six months, then half off the subscription after that, with the option to easily cancel anytime. A normal Prime membership costs $15 a month, while the student price is $7.49 a month. Prime Delivery, Prime Video, Prime Music, Prime Reading, Amazon Photos, and other Prime Exclusives are all included in the student bundle.
4. AMC Movies
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Take a break from studying and catch a movie! While not heavily advertised, many AMC Theatres offer discounts on movie tickets when they are bought at the box office. This deal is only available at select AMC Theatres, so next time you are at AMC buying a ticket, be sure to ask if they have a student discount. Just show your student ID at the box office to receive this offer.
5. New York Times
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The New York Times offers students and educators more than 50% off digital and print subscriptions. Originally $3.75 weekly, students pay the low price of $1 per week while educators pay $1.88 weekly. An NYT subscription is great for the use of credible sources for papers or catching up on current news.
6. Car Insurance
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Do you have a GPA of 3.0 or better? If you do, you’re in luck! All unmarried full-time students up to the age of 25 are eligible for a discount on car insurance. A printed copy of your most recent transcript is sufficient proof to verify your student status. The following car insurance brands offer a student discount: State Farm: 25%, Allstate: 25%, and Geico: 15%. Be sure to check with your insurance to see what kind of discount you are eligible for!
7. Campus Events!
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Last but certainly not least, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) offers many events hosted virtually and right here on campus for all current students to enjoy. Most ASI events are free for CPP students, while very few events require a small fee. From hanging with the cast of SNL, to the annual BroncoFusion concert, there is something for all the CPP community to enjoy. You can also view ASI events on the ASI portal or on our Linktree located on all ASI account bios. More events are coming this fall, so be sure to follow @ASICPP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Which discount are you most excited to use? Do you know of any other places that offer student discounts? Let us know on our social platforms @asicpp on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook!