Now that we’re finishing our semester of online instruction, we’re well aware of what Zoom is and how it works. Classes definitely didn’t feel the same, but at least we still got to see our professors and classmates (and sometimes even guest appearances from their pets).

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably had at least one of these thoughts pop into your head during a Zoom sesh:

I guess I’ll hop on to see my classmates and professor.

I have never seen this person in my life.

I should start paying atten– OMG IS THAT SOMEONE’S DOG?

Why am I even here?

At least I’m still learning something.

If I just say my camera/microphone isn’t working, I won’t have to turn it on.

What chapter are we even on?

Wow, I actually miss going to campus.

But I guess this isn’t so bad.

And at least, we’re all safe at home.

On that note, we just wanted to give a shout out to all of our CPP professors for transitioning with us and providing us online instruction during this time.

We know this wasn’t the most ideal situation, but we’ve made the most of it! Because let’s be real, how many times did we get to bring our puppies to class while still wearing our PJ’s?!  Share your favorite moments of online instruction with us using #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!