A woman saying yes to staying in more

Have you ever gone out to a party or social event and immediately knew it was a bad idea? You only went out because your friends begged you, and you don’t want to be known as the grandma/pa of the group. You reluctantly take off your extremely comfortable outfit of the night (sweats for the win!), and put on something more “going-out” appropriate. According to your friends, tonight is going to be, “SO FUN!”
Then you arrive. You become caught in the midst of loud music, sweaty people and alcohol induced camaradarie. All you want to do is go home, jump into your comfortable bed with some yummy snacks and have a Netflix marathon of your choice.

A man leaving a party

Going out can be awesome sometimes, but it can also be super overrated. Staying in is so much better! You can just chill and relax. Maybe put on a facial mask and eat a really big sandwich in your room, where nobody can judge you.

A man licking ice cream.

Here’s why staying in wins over going out:

1. You can do WHATEVER you want, even if it’s absolutely nothing. 

A woman doesn't want to go out.

Wanna stare aimlessly at the television watching infomercials for anti-wrinkle cream for no apparent reason? Knock yourself out!


2. Comfiest of Clothes 

Anna Kendrick saying she likes to stay home

Sweatpants, yoga pants, no pants. All totally fine for staying in purposes.


3. You can eat ALL THE FOODS. All of them. 

A woman saying she wants pizza

Pizza, doughnuts, Thai food? All at once? LOL what’s clean eating tonight?


4. Not Having to Deal with People (that you don’t like that much) 

katy perry animated GIF

You can chill alone or invite only the friends that you want to hang out with. No bothersome people allowed! BONUS: You don’t have to take care of anyone at the end of the night.


5. No Need for Small Talk 

A man leaving a social setting

You don’t have to have ask people what their major is, and then try to think of another question after it has nothing in common with anything about your major or interests.


Essentially, staying in rules! You can have fun without going out, and that is a true life skill. Don’t ever feel bad about staying in! Stay in like a BOSS.

People saying like a boss


Do you prefer to stay in or go out when you have free time? Let us know via #CampusCropChat on the ASI Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!


**All images provided by Giphy.