When summer begins, there’s only room for two feelings: relief that the school year is over and excitement over a new season of Orange is the New Black (OITNB) dropping on Netflix. Surely by now, you’re done binge-watching season four of your favorite series (since none of us know how to pace ourselves), so here are the stages of experiencing this Netflix favorite if you’re as obsessed with the inmates of Litchfield as I am.

Counting down the days until the summer premiere
Alex Vauss says, "I think I'm having a nervous breakdown."
via tumblr.com

Watching the first teaser/trailer
Lorna says, "I got crazy feelings for you."
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When you get the notification from Netflix that the season has finally dropped
Norma runs very happily
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Saying goodbye to your social life and all responsibilities for the next 24 hours
Taystee waves goodbye on her way out of the prisonTaystee does a happy dance outside of the prison
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Seeing and reuniting with all your favorite characters
Taystee and Poussey do a handshake
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Seeing Piper
Piper says, "Don't make me rip your throat out."
via imgur.com

When the cute things happen
Crazy Eyes says, "You light a fire inside of me."
via wikia.net

When your favorite characters are finally happy (well… as happy as prisoners can be)
The inmates all dance in the cafeteria
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When Netflix ruins that happiness and the worst thing in the history of TV happens
Taystee falls to the floor crying
via netflix.com

Pausing your marathon so you can cry in the dark for a few hours
Piper sobs while eating a pickle
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Continuing on even though you’re scared there’ll be more heartbreak
Lolly cries while looking around her suspiciously
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Making an attempt to eat away your feelings
Lorna eats mac and cheese from a huge serving spoon
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Finishing the season and feeling very incomplete
Lorna violently slams the phone against its receiver
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Feeling like this show is personally out to get you
Piper says she's been at Litchfield for a while bit is starting to feel unsafe lately
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Realizing you blew through it in a day… like you always do
Alex says, "How am I back here?"
via buzzfeed.com

And that it won’t return for another year
Alex cries
via giphy.com

Telling your feelings to shut up and stop
Ruiz shouts, "I am going to bury you! You are never going to come back!"
via netflix.com

What were some of the stages you went through while watching the new season of OITNB? Tell us using the hashtag, #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and remember to follow us on Snapchat @asicpp!