Disclaimer: This article was truly meant for entertainment purposes only. These qualities and practices have been dramatized for your enjoyment only. Please proceed with a light heart, and thank you for reading!

Midterms are behind us (hallelujah!) and now that we’ve become somewhat “comfortable” in the classroom, I can’t help but notice all the distracting habits my fellow Broncos have been exhibiting.

Here are some of the classmates that need to step out of the classroom and dial it down a bit… I’m sure none of these apply to you though.*

Mouth-Breathers or Heavy-Breathers
We know, college seems like a lot of pressure sometimes and the quarter system can be tough to handle. But that heavy breathing isn’t feeding your brain anymore oxygen than you need to process this knowledge. One or two deep breaths will do.

With the threat of Ebola creeping from state to state, we need to go over the proper methods of how to cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. If possible, leave the room or grab a tissue to cover the blow. Again, on the quarter system, we just can’t afford to get sick.

No Boundaries Buddy – the person who has no idea what personal space is.
I know, I know, this teacher talks fast! But please don’t lean into my space and put your head over my notes or talk to me while the instructor is, because getting in my space is only going to distract us both. You may think we’re all in this together, but really it’s a hard-knock life and Cal Poly Pomona can be a ruthless place – proceed with caution. (lol, just kidding, go team!)

Negative Nancy (or Ned)
Who jumps out of bed everyday thinking, “I CAN’T WAIT FOR ALL MY CLASSES TODAY!” Since I am almost certain everyone has said, ‘not I,’ let’s address those fellow Broncos who insist on reacting to every assignment, project and exam with gasps, unsolicited arguing and bickering with the professor. Keep your negative comments to yourself and all will be well!

The Non-Participant
So we all have those classmates who seriously only show up the first day of class, exams and possibly the last day of class. But what about those ones that are there (pretty much) everyda,y but just sit there like “…,” Come on put a little effort into it. You can do it!

The Know-it-All
Please, please, please put your hand down! We get it, you read the book, cover to cover and happen to have the answers to every question the professor asks. Although this may be true, please leave some of the teaching to the instructor. Thanks.

The Teacher’s Pet
Similar to the “Know-it-All,” the Teacher’s Pet seems to always have something to say. Although these comments usually are unnecessary and added commentary that you do not have the option of turning off, just know that you’re opinion matters – even if you don’t express it.

You all need to just…

or don’t be mad when you catch me behind you like…

If this sounds like you, maybe rethink a few of your classroom habits so we can all learn in a more enjoyable environment.

But, if you have some silly and amusing classmates (no names, please) to add to this list, share them with us using #CampusCropChat on the ASI Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.