Pulling all nighters, cramming and drinking insane amounts of coffee you never knew you could drink can only mean one thing: finals.

Finals are already hard enough for most seasoned college students. For those students who are still trying to figure out a four-year college system, there is a whole other struggle going on.

Transfer students, this one goes out to you. Here is a list of four nightmare struggles of every transfer student during finals week, as told by a fellow transfer student.

1. Going from a semester to a quarter system REAL fast.

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“Alright, I got this parking thing figured out. First group project; no problem. Got that research paper down. Midterm… oh wait, what? THAT was the final?”

Congratulations! The semester system spoiled you with 15 weeks to pretend finals were never going to happen. Now you have 10 weeks. Where is the library again?

2. When you actually don’t have the parking thing figured out.

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CPP is a huge commuter school and there is nothing worse than spending an hour on the 10 freeway just to find out your go-to spot in the structure is taken. On finals week. And your first final is in 10 minutes.

3. So what are those glass boxes and why can’t I get in?

kim kardashian confused kardashian reactions kourtney and kim take miami

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While the idea of studying during U-hour in University Quad is uh, appealing, you are not going to get anything done. So venture forth, my brave transfer, and ask about study rooms. They are well lit, air-conditioned and most importantly, they are quiet. Here’s a link to get you started. Don’t forget to stop by the Solaris Lounge in the Bronco Student Center (BSC, Bldg. 35), one of the newest study spots on campus.

4. And the worst case scenario: it’s week nine and you still don’t know anyone in your major.

awkward golden globes chrissy teigen golden globes 2015 cry face

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No, it is not the end of the world, or you for that matter. Dust off that wit and charm you’re known for and reach out to your classmates. You’ll be thanking yourself for years.

Are you a transfer student? What are some of the nightmare struggles you’ve faced? Share with us using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and remember to follow us on Snapchat @asicpp.