There once was a time when Kermit the Frog was just a witty, sassy puppet who happened to be Miss Piggy’s boyfriend, but of course, our meme-obsessed generation couldn’t just leave it at that.

Fortunately, there’s a meme for every situation we find ourselves in. Here are a few of our favorites, courtesy of our favorite amphibian:

When you’re trying to be better about your health and fitness:

But the greens, beans, tomatoes, potatoes are making it SO hard:

When you’re struggling with being a productive member of society:

When you’re feeling particularly passive aggressive:

When you’re convinced you’re on an episode of Punk’d:

When your professors act like they know your life story:

When you try to prolong this whole college thing:

When you don’t have lunch money on you:

When you deserve a pat on the back:

When you maybe don’t know but maybe do but kind of don’t:

When you want to look your best:

When you’re running a little bit late because you spent longer than 30 minutes getting that face ready:

When you’re being a little more petty than usual:

So, so petty:

When five isn’t enough:

When you’re just bored:

When you come across a precious, little creature on the street:

And finally, this little cutie pie:

Do you have a favorite Evil Kermit meme? Share it with us using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and remember to follow us on Snapchat @asicpp!