Just as you start getting used to your classes, you get slammed with midterms. Midterms week typically comes with several stages of emotions experienced by students. Here are the following stages of midterms week:




“Wait, we have a midterm next week?” These are often the words of students who just realized the uncomfortable truth that, yes, they do have a midterm next week.




“I barely understand what’s going in class now! How am I supposed to do well on a midterm?” The second stage is panic, where students express their fear and uncertainty of being tested on the material presented in class. Fortunately, the initial panic is often abated into productive stress, which leads us to the next stage.




At this stage, students feel motivated to do well on their midterms for a variety of reasons. Some want to graduate with honors, others want to avoid retaking the class next quarter. Whatever the reason, stress and persistence are typical of this stage.




Whether their midterms were spaced out throughout the week or all scheduled on Thursday, students have to be tested on the material. During this stage, students are laser focused on completing their midterms and doing well (or at least passing).


Moving On


This stage marks the end of midterms week. Whether students aced or bombed their midterms, they move on, either in celebration or affirmation to do better next time.


How do you deal with midterms? Share with us using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow us on Snapchat @ASICPP


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