Ah, finals. We’re pretty much closing in on the end of the semester and feeling a mix of emotions—stress, exhaustion, excitement. The end is near, but not without the baggage that follows.

Who else to better show how we’re feeling than the classic cast of The Office.

When you don’t understand the material
Michael saying to " ... explain this ... like I'm five?"

Calculating the lowest possible grade we need to pass the class
Ryan looking around

How our professors look at us when we ask about grade curves
Stanley giving someone side eye

Thinking about how it’s almost time for break
happy the office GIF

Wondering if you chose the right major
Kevin getting up saying "I can't"

Realizing all the work you’ve put off is due soon
Kevin saying "It happened so fast"

When teachers keep assigning you work
Andy shouting "Come on!"

Wondering when it’s all going to be over
Jim saying "I just want it to stop"

Reading the first question of the final and not knowing the answer
Michael Scott feeling defeated

When it’s all finally over
Darryl, Oscar and Kevin dancing

Can you relate to our friends at the Dunder Mifflin? Let us know by using #CampusCropChat on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

All images via GIPHY