Did you know that Associated Students Inc. (ASI) has a YouTube channel? That’s right, if you haven’t been watching then you’re missing out on quality content! Here are just a few of the best moments from the ASI YouTube channel.
Getting to see recaps of fun events

Yes, that is a silent disco! ASI covers events such as Midnight Madness, Rec Fest, BroncoFusion and other events!

Whenever there was an exclusive artist interview 

Use that five-minute break to watch our interview with Super Duper Kyle.*internal screams of excitement*

Every time ASI gave us the low down on how to get involved 

The Student Experience? What’s that!? Find out more now!

Getting to see awesome event time-lapses  

There’s also a Hot Dog Caper time-lapse!

Even Campus Rec gets in on the fun by showing us how to work out 

Having trouble finding perfect form? No worries! Make sure to check out their playlist filled with awesome tips for people looking to spice up their workout.

First time at the Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex (BRIC, Bldg. 42)? ASI has got you covered! 

This full walk-through is a must watch for anyone new to the BRIC (Bldg. 42)!

BONUS: Getting us the low down on the events with free food

If you watch a few videos you’ll start getting a taste of where to go to find the free hot dogs, pizza and other delicious treats!

Well, what are you waiting for? Start binge-watching ASI YouTube videos now!

What are your favorite moments from the ASI YouTube channel? Let us know using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to follow us on Snpachat @asicpp!