For the past week, Pokemon fans have rejoiced over the wonder of “Pokemon Go,” the augmented reality Pokemon-themed game which has created an eeveeloution to mobile gaming. There now seems to be a trend among the types of players out there. Here is a list of our ten favorites:

The Adventurer
pokemon characters by waterfall
This player usually travels with a bag, a portable charger and comfy sneakers. They go to all the parks and visit all the Pokemon gyms. Those 10-kilometer eggs hatch for them in no time!

The Camper
pikachu and ash sleeping
It’s 2 a.m. but you know exactly where this person is. This player is usually found snorlaxing at the hot spots in town, or wherever a lure module can be found. They usually have a 1,000 CP level Pokemon and have no plans for the weekend, other than hunt Pokemon, of course.

The Hoarder
misty and her pokemon
This player has about 15 Rattatas in their collection. Seriously, do you need all those? Their prime excuse is, “Oh I’ll evolve it later”, but we all know they won’t. But seriously, transfer your Pokemon, and evolve them! This is the same person who kept all those element cards stuffed under their bed when the Pokemon trading cards were a thing.

The Superfan
misty happy 
They know everything. That’s not a joke; they can literally tell you every evolution of every Pokemon! This mega fan also understands every reference from the show ever. Their go-to karaoke song is the Pokemon theme song and they get offended when you refer to Pokemon as a “kids’ game.” 

The Investor
team rocket with money
This is the rarest of all players who sparks the question, “Did you spend real money on this game?” This person, though only level five, already has an upgraded bag and a bunch of Pokeballs. They are basically the Donald Trump of “Pokemon Go,” so they didn’t really work hard for anything they have.

The Hacker
squirtle with shades
The ultimate “did you know” player who knows all the secrets, hints and tricks! These players are often very open to sharing their discoveries with the world. Such as how to walk 10 kilometers without moving, start with a Pikachu or even use a drone to catch Pokemon. Genius, or criminals? You decide!

The Strategist
brock pun frying pan
“If I walk 10 kilometers to the next gym, I can stop by the park with a lake to catch water types, then I could hit four Pokestops and get food at the Taco Bell next to a Pokestop—” and blah blah blah, we get it. This player has the whole town mapped out and a daily route that consists of nothing but Pokestops, gyms and the occasional food stop. 

The Daredevil
team rocket flying awayyyyyy
You know that little message that comes up before the game starts? The one which specifically states, “Remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings”? This person is the one who ignores that message. It’s all fun and games until someone gets Pokemauled by a bear. People, please don’t give this beautiful game a bad reputation; stay alert and don’t do dumb things. OK? OK!

pikachu and eevee high five
They drop lure modules and tell you good locations to go hunt! This player is not afraid to help you when it comes to something you don’t understand. Truly a heroic person! Thank you, MVP!

The Critic
slap jigglypuff
“The servers are down, my phone battery drains, the game crashed—” OK, just stop! Nothing is perfect when it first comes out. I promise you Beyonce had to learn to sing at some point, and “Pokemon Go” will learn how to run better.

This “Pokemon Go” excitement will not subside anytime soon, so grab onto your Pokeballs and settle in.

Which type of “Pokemon Go” player are you? Let us know using the hashtag, #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Don’t forget to follow us on Snapchat @asicpp!