On Friday, January 27, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) Bronco Events and Activities Team (BEAT) hosted their very first Swing Night at the Bronco Student Center (BSC), Ursa Major (Bldg. 35 – 2611).

group of students learning to swing dance

At the start of the event, attendees were treated to free dance lessons courtesy of Metro Swing, a swing club located in Downtown Pomona. Instructors demonstrated classic swing dance moves, such as the Charleston and the East Coast Swing, and made the lessons welcoming to all attendees regardless of their skill level.

a couple practice moves on the dance floor
As the lessons progressed, attendees began to let loose by showing off their new jitterbug moves and danced as if no one was watching. Once lessons were complete and the band began to play, everyone knew the night was in full swing! With a live jazz band playing on stage and attendees in full ’40s attire, Ursa Major was unrecognizable.

band is playing on stageThe live jazz band made sure to keep the night lively with their music selection. The band, at one point, was even accompanied by a singer who performed a wide-range of Billie Holiday songs to set the mood. And if free dance lessons and live music weren’t enough, the attendees were also treated to free appetizers, refreshments and a photo booth.

Bianca ornelas Bianca Ornelas at the Swing Night photo booth

The night also included a costume contest, which awarded its first place winner a $40 Bronco Bucks gift card. Bianca Ornelas, who is currently a third-year communication student, took home the honor. “My mom actually went into my closet and picked out my outfit. She picked a white blouse, a black circle shirt with red pockets and topped off my outfit with a navy blue scarf,” said Ornelas. “She said I looked just like Lauren Bacall.

To keep up with future ASI events, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat @asicpp. For more information about BEAT, visit their website.