Tomorrow marks the end of our fall course quarter, and what comes next week may be somewhat grueling—I’m talking about finals. But don’t let that get you down, you’re about to conquer these last exams! Let us get you in the mood for these cramming sessions and give you a few study tips and tricks.

Studies have shown that “music stimulates different parts of the brain.” This is of course true on an individual level, but if you’re in the Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) Library, your neighbors’ conversations could be quite distracting. So we recommend that you muffle that chatter, and get in the zone by listening to these stimulating, yet mellow melodies.

Finals Girlshbo animated GIF

Over the library scene? Check out the Solaris Lounge in the Bronco Student Center (BSC, Bldg. 35-1611) located adjacent to Peet’s Coffee, this charger and outlet friendly location is typically at whisper level and, not to mention, has more comfortable options for sitting and working.

This list of test prep jams will be great for those long study sessions. So find a comfy seat, unpack all your studying tools, and then press play as you prepare for the long days in the library and late nights with your face in your books.

Reading Short Circuit animated GIF

Let this music calm you down, lead you to productivity and guide you through your studying success.

Tips & Tricks for Your Study Session

1. Be cautious of your volume
Extra loud music will be more distracting than helpful.
2. Remember to take breaks
Stretch your limbs, take a walk and get some fresh air. Head to the Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex (BRIC, Bldg. 42) for a #RECHARGE session.
3. Other great music genres for studying include:
Ambient, Classical, Modern, Movie Soundtracks and Sounds of Nature.

We wish you the best of luck in your studying and final exams, Broncos!
Make sure to stop by Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) ’70s themed Midnight Madness on Friday, Dec. 5 from 10 p.m. to midnight!

Have any other helpful study tips or want to share your favorite study jams? Use the hashtag #CampusCropChat on ASI Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to link us to your favorites.