sneezing with a cold

Students in college always say, “I can’t afford to get sick.” I know I’ve said that myself. Between work, school and having fun, there is too much going on. Of course, that doesn’t change after college either. Life doesn’t slow down.

Follow these 10 tips for staying healthy through cold and flu season to stay in good shape.

1. Wash your hands
Although this tip may seem obvious, people often forget. Carry hand sanitizer with you, even if you’re not sick.

2. Avoid sharing objects
That’s how germs are spread. Avoid sharing drinks and food as much as possible.

3. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
Again, avoid spreading germs! Teach this to the little kids in your life too so they don’t get sick (or get you sick).

4. Cover your cough
You may have been taught to cough in your hand, but really you should be coughing into your elbow. If you do cough into your hands, just be sure to use sanitizer or wash your hands afterwards.

5. Sanitize surfaces around you
People might call you a germ freak, but you know what the alternative is? You could be touching the desk of people with terrible colds who didn’t sanitize after sneezing into their hands. Think about it.

6. Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water, even more so when you’re sick. Bring a water bottle with you to school and fill it up at the hydration stations on campus. There are plenty of Brita hydration stations in the Bronco Student Center.

7. Eat healthy and get regular exercise
Getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet as well as regular exercise can help your immune system, which fight off infection.

8. Get enough sleep
Although it can be hard to find time to sleep in college, you have to if you want to stay healthy.

9. Avoid sick people
You don’t have to be mean about it. Just don’t hang around your sick roommate too much. Most especially, refer back to tips 2 and 5.

10. Stay home when you need to
If you follow all these tips and a cold still sneaks up on you, then get some rest! Yes, even if you have projects to do. Yes, even if you have to call in sick to work. Take at least one day to get your energy back up. Those around you will be glad you took the time to get better and stopped sneezing in their general direction.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, go to the health center on campus when you need to. It’s there to help you!

Keep reading The Campus Crop for more helpful tips!