Spring is now upon us! You know what that means. It’s time for some spring cleaning!

I know, I know. Spring cleaning can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming for some, meanwhile there are others who live for it. Nonetheless, we’ll be sharing some do’s and don’ts that are time-saving ways to help you freshen up your room/home/dorm. We’ll also be sharing where you can take the items you no longer want.

DO: Focus on one area at a time

Attempting to take on too many tasks at once can be daunting, resulting in sloppy organization and cleaning. The biggest mistake anyone can make is trying to cram everything into one weekend. Do what you can by only focusing on organizing in 2–3 hour intervals and doing tasks that are your top priority.

man pointing with both hands saying focus

Ramsey Solutions / Via Giphy.com

DO: Ask for help 

Cleaning can be overwhelming and even difficult at times. Don’t be afraid to call up some family members or friends to help clean and move things around.

Extra hands will get the job done faster, leaving you and your guests some extra time to hang out in your now tidy home.

someone saying asking for help. theres no shame in that

NBC / Via Giphy.com


DO: Have fun with it!

Cleaning can be boring, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Put on your favorite music, have a drink or snack for you to enjoy, invite a friend over to join you clean! These are just some ways to lighten up the mood when cleaning to keep you on track.

someone dancing as they sweep and dust while wearing headphones

Tumblr / Via Giphy.com


DON’T: Clean when you feel like it 

Listen, I get it. You’re a student, you’ve got assignments to work on, exams to study for. You may also have a job or other responsibilities that need attending to. At the end of the day, you’re not left with much time to do the things you enjoy before having to go to bed and repeating the day all over again. With this people think “I’ll clean when I feel like it” or “I’ll clean when I can,” which never ends up happening.

Instead pick a day and time to clean and write it down in your calendar! When writing things down in stone you tend to adhere to it. Treat it like an appointment you absolutely cannot miss.

one person is holding a box while another person wearing a super hero costume says im gonna get to it eventually. procrastinator

NickRewind / Via Giphy.com


DON’T: Impulsively throw things out

Letting things go can be hard, but that shouldn’t mean you should throw your stuff without a second thought to get it over with.

It’s okay to take your time to go through everything and pick what you want to keep, donate, or throw away. Not sure how to decide what to keep? Just ask yourself “Does it spark joy?” the Marie Kondo method.

someone holding a mini golf club and saying i dont think i dont feel i just go

Rooster Teeth / Via Giphy.com


DON’T: Have regrets

This is a big one. We all have that one clothing item in our wardrobe that we swear we’ll wear one day and never actually do. It just ends up in the back of closets, never seeing the light of day again.

Sometimes it’s best to let go of things, especially things we no longer wear or use. By selling or donating our no longer wanted items, we’re giving them a second chance at being used. Plus, your room will feel less cluttered. Or this will give you a reason to go buy something you’ll actually use frequently.

someone shaking their head no and saying i dont regret anything

ABC / Via Giphy.com

Well now that you have followed these tips, what do you do with your unwanted items now?

That’s easy. Donate them! Don’t know where or how to donate them? No worries, we got you covered.

Goodwill Industries

What they accept:

  • Furniture
  • Shoes and clothing
  • Toys and games
  • Electronics
  • Housewares
  • Furniture
  • Books

Habitat for Humanity

What they accept:

  • Furniture
  • Building materials
  • Household items
  • Appliances

Sell your items online! Don’t know where exactly to sell them? Here is a list of websites you can use:

Did you find these do’s or don’ts to be helpful? Do you have any tips you’d like to add to the list? Let us know on ASI social media on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram                          at @asicpp.