Spring Break is finally right around the corner! Just a few finals to take and you’ll be free to relax, unwind and of course, party (or stay in and watch Netflix all week).

But with all the fun you’ll hopefully be having, it’s important to remember the do’s and don’ts of Spring Break in order to stay safe and make great memories. Here are a few dos and don’ts to remember when you’re out there having the time of your lives next week.

Do pack smart.
A woman packs a toy sword into her suitcase and says, "Zombie apocalypse, just in case."
Need help? Follow these tips!

Don’t pack your entire closet.
A woman rummages through her large closet and says, "Okay, so I have nothing to wear."
You would be surprised with how far you go with less. Plus, that also means less unpacking, and we all know how much we hate unpacking.

Do capture the moment with a nice selfie.
Several celebrities rush to make it into Ellen Degeneres's selfie.
How else are people gonna know how great you look and how much fun you’re having during Spring Break?

Don’t let people take inappropriate pictures of you without your permission.

Remember, Broncos, the Internet is forever.

Do enjoy your week to the fullest.
Steve Carrell holds a boombox and screams, "Everybody dance now!"
Spring Break isn’t a thing in the real world. Enjoy this while you can.

Don’t have “fun” at inappropriately themed parties.
A white man says, "That's racist!" and a black man says, "Damn."
This is not fun. Neither is this. Or this. Don’t do it, Broncos, don’t do it!

While I’m all about working hard and playing harder, I do try to keep my vacays safe and productive at the same time. Are you the same? Show us how you’re making this Spring Break a valuable one by using the hashtag #LeadtheBreak on Instagram and tagging our very own university, Cal Poly Pomona (CPP)! Do so and you’ll have the chance to win a donation to your favorite charity and a Macbook Air, iPad or iPad Mini! For more information, click here.

Add on the #SafeBronco tag to your post as well, and you’ll have a chance to win a $10 Bronco Bucks gift card from CPP’s Student Health and Counseling Services!

Do you have any tips you want to share with us when it comes to Spring Break? Use the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share, and don’t forget to follow us on Snapchat at asicpp!