The weather is starting to heat up again, so that means two things: first, we are getting closer to summer. Second, we are getting closer to a road trip season.

Let’s talk about the top ten items you need when you are on the open road! 

via GIPHY 

  1. Car Charger 

One of the worst things that can happen during your road trip is your phone dying. Your phone gives you access to make calls during an emergency, directions to a location you are unfamiliar with, and the ability to communicate with your hotel/Airbnb if you are running late! You don’t want to be without a form of communication, so make sure to bring your car charger!

via GIPHY 

  1. Cash 

Before you leave and go off on your next adventure, pull out some cash! Sometimes gas stations will only take cash, and if you are in a pinch that money will come in handy. Is your card being declined at a restaurant or grocery store? No worries! You have emergency cash that you can use!

* Note: When traveling out of state, make sure to notify your credit card company you will be traveling out of state, to reduce the chance of your card being declined.  


  1. Proof of Insurance and ID 

Triple check that you have your ID and proof of insurance when driving. Always respect the law when driving, especially on those long, open highways. However, accidents can happen. Having your ID and insurance so you are ready for any situation will help you prepare. 


  1. Snacks & Water

Snacks need to be on your packing list. Having a hangry passenger or driver is a real thing. Driving for hours can make people irritable, so pack a couple of snacks that you know you and your road trip mates will enjoy! Packing chips, nuts, crackers, and nutrient bars can keep you full in-between stops. If you bring perishable items, make sure to eat those first or keep them in an icy cooler!  


  1. Headache Medication

Sitting in a car for an extensive amount of time can take a toll on you. Headache medication is perfect to have on hand just in case. Make sure to have something in your stomach and some water to wash it down. Also, if you are prone to motion sickness pick up some Dramamine, it’s great for car sickness! 


  1. Hand Sanitizer 

Trust me when I say you are going to need hand sanitizer. You are going to be touching the gas pump when you are stopping for gas, when you are done with your snacks, when you just want to feel a little cleaner. Eliminate germs situations and bring lots of hand sanitizer.  


  1. Pillow and Blanket 

When you are driving and you have passed the scenic route, it is time for a little nap. A little pillow and blanket combo are so delightful during your drive. You are also going to be able to wake up and be even closer to your destination.


  1. First Aid Kit 

Accidents happen, more than you think! Having some Band-Aids and disinfectant for the unknown is always helpful. You can always pick up a pre-made first aid kit or build your own. Some of the essentials you’ll need are band-aids, alcohol wipes, a bandage wrap, burn gel, and Neosporin.     


  1. Flashlight 

You never know when you might need a flashlight. Flat tires can happen, and it is extremely nice to flashlight when you are in a tough situation. If you are planning on driving when it is dark, having a flashlight in your hand in case of an emergency or car trouble is essential! 


  1. Disposable Camera 

Road trips are so much fun. You are seeing and experiencing things you may have never experienced before in your whole life. So, capture the happiness of the moment. Take a disposable camera and take pictures of the entire experience. You can purchase one at Target, Walmart, or Amazon. After the trip, you can develop the photos at your local CVS and have those memories forever.  




Did we miss any road trip tips you love? What road trip adventures do you have planned for this summer? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at @asicpp!