
So you landed the job or internship of your dreams and so far it’s been an amazing experience. You feel respected and valued by your coworkers and you are getting great hands-on experience in the field of your choice.  
The only problem? You’re still a student and not entirely sure how to behave in a professional setting. Follow these tips and you’ll be a pro at being professional in no time!

1) Be yourself (to a certain degree:) You know that one intern, the one that always seems so eager to fit in that he doesn’t have a personality of his own? Don’t be that intern. It’s important to let your personality shine through. If you have a hilarious sense of humor or a brilliant knack for remembering facts, show it. This makes you memorable and helps you stand out in a sea of other interns and employees. However, if your personality is crude and offensive, perhaps leave that outside the office.

2) Be organized: Nobody likes to see a sloppy intern desk. If your room at home is an absolute pigsty, aspire to be the clutter-free version of yourself while in the office. Create a filing system for your work, and stick to it. Make sure you write all deadlines in a planner or on your calendar on your phone. Speaking of your phone…

3) Be respectful: The same tips that apply for the classroom etiquette apply here. Make sure that your phone is turned on vibrate or completely turned off and in your bag. You want your supervisor to remember your amazing work, not the fact that you were constantly texting or on Facebook. Be discreet with your outside communication or eliminate it completely until after work hours.

4) Be humble: Although you may have a near-perfect GPA and have learned all about the techniques utilized at your internship in class, you shouldn’t assume you will rise directly to the top of the company. Recognize that you need to start at the bottom and work your way up in order to make a difference. Be willing to accept any tasks (within reason!) and your hard work will be appreciated and rewarded.

Navigating the waters of classroom or workplace etiquette can be difficult, but The Campus Crop is here to help. Check in next week for an article on peer or club etiquette.