Finals season is right around the corner. If you are feeling anxious or unsure how to study for finals, this article was made for you! We’ll be breaking down the best advice for preparing for finals.  

Block out times to study/ study in intervals  



Whether this is your first or eighth finals season at CPP, you should not stress out over something preventable. A large misconception when it comes to studying is that you need to have long study sessions to cover a vast amount of coverage to be prepared. Studying in intervals is more beneficial to help your brain retain as much information as possible. Take some time out as well to have a break. You can also break up study time and break time by using a timer on your phone! Try working for a certain amount of time, and if you successfully stay on task for that time, you can earn some time for a break. Bring some snacks to enjoy in between sessions. 

Set specific goals for each study session 


When studying in intervals of 20 minutes to 60 minutes, it is best to set goals on what you want to accomplish in that time. Staying concise and consistent will be the most effective way to hit specific study goals. Make sure you understand your study pace and set goals that are realistic. Setting goals that are not realistic will only deter you from studying since you aren’t able to hit your expectations.  

Study in an environment where you will thrive in 



Find an area to study where you will be the most productive. This can be an array of locations. Some of the best locations to study are where others are also studying. This could be the library, cafes, even outdoors. Try to avoid studying where you can either fall asleep or be easily distracted. If you’re creating your own study environment, try putting on a calm playlist or diffuse essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint to get your mind in the right state for focusing. 

Put your phone away


via GIPHY 

Put your phone to the side, in a bag, or outside your room. It doesn’t matter. Constantly checking your phone will only keep distracting you. Remember, you set dedicated times to study. It’s important that you follow through with these commitments. On your break time, you can go on your phone!  

Get plenty of sleep and eat nourishing food


If you have followed all the previous steps, hopefully you won’t need to pull too many late nights studying! A mistake you can be making is not getting enough sleep the night before an exam. You want your brain to be at its peak functional performance during your final exams. Be sure to eat a big breakfast, lunch, or dinner before your exam so you aren’t distracted by your growling stomach while taking your tests! 

P.S. You’ve got this!  

You have studied and are well rested. Go take your exams confidently, we believe in you Broncos!  

Let us know if we missed any recommendations when it comes to studying on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!