Not many students know that being a Student Government leader at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) is an opportunity not to be taken lightly, and in addition to having a bigger voice on campus, there’s a few perks you might just want to know about. If I could stand on top of a podium and preach about how awesome and rewarding being a part of Student Government is, I would! But instead of doing that, here’s a short list of the benefits you’ll be reaping as a member of Student Gov.



Sign that reads scholarship just ahead

Image via

Although positions in Student Government do not work on an hourly wage basis, don’t think that it’s free work you’ll be doing! Select positions receive a scholarship or stipend, which are dispersed during the middle and end of each semester. Although holding a position in ASI Student Government is not equivalent to a job, it allows you to work without the lull that comes with other positions.



Students gathered around a table during a mentor night

Students gather around the table at last year’s ASI Mentor Night

ASI is comprised of professional staff members who guide you through your college journey and are there at your disposal. If closely collaborating with faculty, staff and administrators in a professional capacity sounds appealing to you, then look no further! Student leaders have one-on-ones with ASI mentors and university advisers to track their progress, discuss questions about the future and provide mentorship as needed. If you utilize this perk, they will assist you in developing leadership skills, effective communication, interpersonal relationships, critical thinking and problem solving, organizational planning and social responsibility.


Professional Development

Student Government leaders on their trip to the capitol with a flag

Former Student Government leaders visiting Washington, D.C. in 2018

Every position within Student Gov allows for an enhanced voice and a chance to step into a whole new role on campus. You’ll be meeting with key campus figures, speaking with your constituents, voting on pressing issues, attending conferences and state wide meetings and experiencing a host of other opportunities due to your new position. One of the highlights is the chance to attend Cal State Student Association (CSSA), a conference where student leaders and reps from all 23 California State University (CSU) campuses meet to discuss and resolve issues pertaining to higher education that may affect the CSU system as a whole.


Unique Office Space

Office with two desks and chairs with a wall that reads "Student Government"

Student Government Senate Chambers

Yes, your own office space! I know this might not seem that great right off the bat, but think about it, you’ll have your own space to work, convene and collaborate with your fellow Student Government leaders! But before you get too excited, I should preface this by saying that changes are always occurring, and the years to come may have different office arrangements. Although it is not guaranteed and varies from year to year, having your own unique space on campus is something special if available. I’m glad I was able to experience the desk life!



Student Government in University Park posing with a midterm elections sign

Student Government posing for a photo in University Park

To me, this is one of the best perks that joining Student Gov has to offer. Working with like-minded people in a team-oriented environment is such a rewarding experience, and it’s one I can personally vouch for. Your fellow leaders will soon become some of your closest friends, and the memories you take away will shape your college experience immensely. I cannot picture my time here at CPP without the people I’ve met through ASI, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

What is your favorite Student Government perk? Let us know using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to vote during this year’s election, taking place from April 15-18 via myBAR!