I’m going to clear the air and say that I’ve been at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) for a bit over a year now, and I’ve only been into the library like, twice. It also took me a while to discover the adjoining Starbucks. As a transfer student who came in practically finished with general education courses, I found my exposure to the entirety of this vast campus pretty nonexistent since my classes were always in the same buildings.

Consequently, I got excited whenever I had classes in buildings I’ve never been in before, because much like Ariel from “The Little Mermaid” and her desire to be on land, I wanted to be where the people were. There was life outside of building one, and I needed to experience it!

What point was I trying to make? Oh, yes – this piece goes out to the students who’ve been stuck in the same buildings due to the confinement of their majors. We’ve compiled a list of the best places around campus that may have fallen off your radars.

Tiny Quad by the Environmental Design Building
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An adorable little outdoor seating area that also sells coffee and snacks, this quad often goes unnoticed as it’s fairly hidden below usual walking level. It’s located right by the College of Environmental Design (Bldg. 7), which sits across Parking Lot J and Student Health Services.

CLA Building
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While this may already be an iconic building that can be seen from the freeway passes, the CLA building (Bldg. 98) accommodates a hidden seating area near the MediaVision. It’s great for getting work done or enjoying lunch away from the noise.

The Rose Garden
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Once, I was fortunate enough to have a philosophy class in the newly renovated Business building, and often took every opportunity to walk through the gorgeous Rose Garden even if it were a few seconds out of my way. It’s located across from the CLA building and near the College of Business Administration.

Japanese Garden
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Although this may not be the best place to get work done due to the lack of outlets or tables, it sure is a gorgeous place to de-stress from the chaos of assignments and exams. It can be found by the CLA Building.

Einstein’s Bagels
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Hidden away near the College of Business Administration, this bagel joint serves as solace from the greasy fast food joints around campus. There’s also an adjoining convenience store. It took about a year for me to discover that this place existed.

What are some newly discovered campus spots that totally fell off your radar? Share with us using #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and remember to follow us on Snapchat at asicpp!