Let’s take a moment to talk about self-care.

You can juice, detox and clean out the physical clutter in your personal space, but let’s not forget about clearing out the bad vibes in your life. That’s right, time to spring clean your relationships.

From significant others, to friends, to even work relationships, toxic relationships come in many forms. You know the type: the friends who put us down, the co-workers who drown us in negativity and the significant other that just isn’t working out.

Recently, I had to take an honest look at one of my relationships and decide if it was really worth staying in it. It was draining, both physically and emotionally. What was worse, I constantly questioned why I still stayed. I decided to be “selfish” and put myself first. Honestly, it was the most liberating thing I have ever done.

If you have ever been in a similar situation, you know how draining it is to stay in unhealthy relationships. I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to leave. Once you do, your body and soul will thank you tremendously. Here are some reasons why you should let go of a toxic relationship.

You get rid of unnecessary negativity in your life.

The rule of thumb here: be selfish. Take care of yourself, worry about your problems first and take everything one obstacle at a time. It is never your responsibility to carry the weight of a relationship. There were so many times that I found myself stressing over things that were not my problem. It wasn’t until I was out of the relationship that I realized most of it wasn’t mine. Stress gone.
NeNe from The Real Housewives of Atlanta waves away the haters.
Gif via giphy.com

You start to see who the positive influences in your life are.

I know it sounds cold, but start making lists. Think about the people in your unhealthiest relationships and make a list weighing the positive and negative aspects of your relationship with them. It’s easier to see why a relationship is failing once it’s on a piece of paper. Once you clear those people out of the way, you see who is left. Start spending time with these people and reconnect with them. You will definitely begin to appreciate them more.
Best friends Abby and Ilana from Broad City have a loving moment.
Gif via giphy.com

You are open to do bigger and better things.

Negative people literally weigh us down. Just think of the tremendous weight that will be lifted off your shoulders once you cut them out of your life. Separating yourself from the drama and stress of these past relationships opens you up to new people and new experiences. Go big: think about what you really want from life. Surround yourself with good people who will support you, encourage you to be ambitious and inspire you to be adventurous.
A waterfall with the text, "what's on your bucket list?"
Gif via tumblr.com

You find out how strong you really are once you step away from toxic people.

Our relationships are our safety nets. We often tell ourselves that eventually the other person will shape up, or we hang onto the good memories and use that as justification for why we stay in toxic relationships. It takes a strong person to look at their relationship honestly and find the source of the problem. It takes an even stronger person to leave and say, “It’s OK to be alone for a while.” Once you do this, you can do anything.

A gif of Beyonce telling you to take risks and believe in yourself.

Gif via giphy.com

You can finally focus on yourself more.

Think about all the time you have now to do you. Without anyone doubting you, judging you or otherwise bringing you down; you are open to do ANYTHING. Want to start your master’s program? Do it. Want to run a marathon? Do it. Use this time to take care of your mental health, your physical health and most importantly, your healthy relationships. Think of this spring cleaning as the start of the happier version of you.

Chris from Parks and Rec is happy to fly solo.

Gif via weheartit.com

My toxic relationship taught me that it can be incredibly difficult to admit when your relationships take a turn for the worse. It also taught me that it can be just as painful to leave. However, I learned that it is OK to put yourself first. In fact, it’s better than OK. We owe it to ourselves. After all, who knows what’s better for you than you?

Healthy living isn’t all about juice cleanses, kale salads and expensive water. It starts with you and the people you surround yourself with. Have you ever found yourself in a toxic relationship? How did you overcome it? Share with us using the hashtag #CampusCropChat and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @asicpp.

Are you in a similar situation and need someone to talk to? The Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) is here for you. Stop by SHCS at the Health and Wellness Center (Bldg. 46) or at the Bronco Bookstore (Bldg. 66-116) for help navigating through any of your problems.