Orientation 1

If I could do freshman orientation all over again, I would have done more to get the most out of my experience. I did not realize that orientation is also very much about being social and building a network to make Cal Poly Pomona feel like home.

Here are five tips from a former CPP freshman on what you should do to make the most of your orientation experience.

1. Make friends!
Whether you are starting off at CPP solo, or you are bringing your high school crew along with you, it never hurts to meet new people. In fact, now is the time to start exchanging cell numbers and emails because you never know when you might need a pal to compare notes, to start a study session or to grab a bite to eat with in the Bronco Student Center (if you don’t know what the BSC is, you will after orientation). So, don’t be shy. When you have free time, go around the dorm halls and introduce yourself to other new students. Chances are, they are looking for a new friend, too.

2. Ask questions?
Yes! It may seem very cliche, but all of the people in your orientation group are in the same boat as you. You’re all experiencing a new place for the first time, you’re all going to have questions, so go ahead and ask! During my orientation, I remember asking about Circle K International, the college division of Kiwanis clubs and whether or not they exist at CPP. Everyone, including my orientation leader, thought I was asking about the gas station and laughed, but at least I found out that CPP didn’t have a Circle K chapter.

3. Get a jump start on the intros. 
Students, faculty and staff in your college and major will be the people you will interact with the most. It only makes sense to get a jump start on the introductions. Seek out the key players in your college experience such as your professors and advisor. Not only can professors help hone your skills, but they can also serve as mentors and help guide you in your future career. Contact your advisor, speak with the department chair and staff so you can stay on track and plan ahead for graduation.

Incoming freshmen playing a round of  laser tag.

Incoming freshmen playing a round of laser tag.

4. Roam around the campus on your own. 
Here’s your chance to get lost, then find your way; you don’t want to be that person standing in the middle of the quad, with a map of the campus in your hand, looking helpless as you try to find the direction of you next class. During downtime at orientation, grab a couple of new friends and explore. Cal Poly Pomona has a few landmarks that new students will encounter during tours at orientation, but there is so much more to see than the Bronco statue and the CLA building. Go ahead and take that hike to the CPP letters or visit these lesser-known campus spots. And please, take a picture don’t forget to share! #cpporientation

5. Learn your resources, know your options.
There are numerous ways to become involved on campus beyond Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) and student government, such as clubs and organizations. You will have a great opportunity at orientation to learn more about these opportunities as well. Attend events, meet members and see which club or organization best fits your lifestyle. Find your escape from the rigorous academic life within campus, trust me–involvement is one of the best parts of the whole college experience.
Looking back, there were so many opportunities I could have taken advantage of at orientation. For all of you new Broncos, this is your chance, go ahead and give these tips a try!