Due to recent events, Cal Poly Pomona has decided to move all in-person courses online to a virtual platform. Because of this, we know how anxious we can get when we’re spending most of our time at home practicing social distancing. Don’t worry though, we here at The Campus Crop are here for you to provide various ways to keep you busy during the break.

Binge Watching
Boy pointing to television
From Netflix to Hulu to Disney+ to Crunchyroll or whatever your preferred streaming platform may be, there are so many shows and movies you finally have time to catch up on. Season four of “Stranger Things” is reportedly being released this year, so we recommend catching up on that. For you Star Wars fans, after six years, the last season of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” has begun. For those of you who have yet to watch both seasons of “You,” what are you waiting for? Any Pokémon fans out there? The first ever Pokémon movie, “Pokémon: The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back,” was remade for us OG watchers. We’re loving these nostalgic feels.

Three people doing a TikTok video
If you’re on social media at all, then you’ve definitely seen at least one TikTokvideo. For those of you who aren’t too familiar, it’s a platform where users can create and upload short videos. Many of these videos include dancing, singing and, of course, memes. Make your break entertaining not only for yourself, but others as well and create your own TikTok! Our buddy, Billy Bronco, made his own rendition of the popular TikTok featuring the song “Lottery (Renegade)” by K Camp. Make sure to check it out on our Instagram @asicpp!

LinkedIn Learning
Man saying "I'm a professional"
There’s never a bad time to improve your professional skills. LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as Lynda.com, is a website that offers video courses taught by industry experts in a variety of different topics. Whether you have an interest in brand development, multimedia production or business strategies, there’s sure to be valuable information that you can gain. What’s even better is that your CPP account gives you access to these resources at little to no charge!

Virtual Face-to-Face
Woman video chatting a man
Does it feel like you can’t live without seeing your besties? Don’t let social distancing stop you! You’re probably familiar with a few online face-to-face apps such as FaceTime, Skype and Zoom. We recommend getting familiar with Zoom because it appears many professors are choosing this application for online courses. If you want to add a little more fun to your next face chat, maybe consider a few of these activities. You can enjoy meals with your loved ones and have a virtual date. Included on this date can be numerous things such as a picnic, movie marathons, a game of “Heads Up!” and so much more.

School Work
Man closing laptop
Remember Broncos, CLASSES ARE NOT CANCELED! They were simply moved to a virtual platform. With virtual courses officially starting this week, we now have the opportunity to stay home during classes! Getting ready to go to school is no longer needed. When’s the last time you wore your pajamas to your physics class? Actually, don’t answer that question. This also means we can catch up on assignments and projects that we were behind on or get ahead on them! We definitely recommend staying on top of emails and Blackboard to make sure you’re staying on task!

Which ways will you keep yourself entertained? Let us know using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @asicpp. We hope for the best for you all and highly recommend practicing social distancing as well as a healthy lifestyle.