Spring Break is coming up and whether you’re daycationing or jet setting to somewhere exotic, I’m here to provide you with my top packing tips for Spring Break.

Dog pulling baggage at an airport


1. Carry don’t check
Spring Break is only one week. Invest in a great carry-on bag to avoid checked bag fees, carrying a ton of stuff to your destination and overbuying once you reach your destination. Think smart about what you need and don’t need on this vacation. Hotels have your basic amenities, towels, hair dyers and irons. Planes allow one personal bag, and one over head compartment bag, so pack smart. Check with your airline for specific size limitations for your carry-on bag.

Louise and Tina wrapping each other in toilet paper


2. Roll don’t fold
The debate over rolling and folding your clothes goes back centuries, however it really depends on the type of bag you’re packing. Since my first tip is to travel with an unstructured duffel bag, we’re going to chose rolling. Stretchy knit fabrics that are unlikely to wrinkle, including T-shirts, workout pants, light sweaters, and jersey knit dresses, as well as jeans can all be rolled easily. RealSimple.com has a breakdown on how to roll specific items, and folding techniques if you chose to check a bag.

Monk adjusting salt and pepper shakesr


3. Packing cubes
If you like to be extremely organized with you’re packing, step your game up one level by purchasing packing cubes. An underutilized organizational technique, packing cubes let you separate different types of clothes into bags within your bag for Monk level obsessive compulsive traveling. You can get all kinds of packing cubes including ones specific for wet items like bathing suits, and different shapes for packing shoes.

80's electronics


4. Pack electronics in a personal bag
Since we’re avoiding checking bags at all cost, we’re going to utilize our personal bag as best as possible. I always travel with my Herschel backpack which matches my carry-on, and provides everything I need for my personal items. My mom always taught me, “pack your personal bag like the airport is going to lose your luggage.” So my personal bag holds all of my chargers, my laptop, my iPad, my toiletries bag, one emergency change of clothes, and snacks.

Portlandia small asian characters


5. Travel toiletries
Target and other large retailers offer a vast selection of travel size toiletries. When you’re packing, the easiest way to adhere to the 3-1-1 rule is to buy travel sizes that will guarantee TSA clearance. Travel sizes aren’t just run of the mill basics anymore, you can get travel sizes as specific as, Crest 3D White, Venus Embrace Travel RazorBumble & Bumble Surf Set and Khiel’s Men’s Refueling KitIf you have any questions as to what you can bring with you on a flight, TSA has a handy app that lets you type in your item and it will tell you if you can fly with it.

Free samples gif from Fresh Off The Boat


6. Stock up on samples
Instead of trying to spray your scents and lotion into travel containers, stock up on the samples from places like Sephora. Go in and ask for what current samples they’re offering, even if you don’t purchase anything they’ll still usually offer you some. Samples give you a great opportunity to try new products as well as being contained in a disposable container, perfect for saving room in your bags. Sunscreen is extra important during Spring Break, stop by the Student Health Center to stock on disposable packs!

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7. Pack an empty water bottle
This may seem like a silly tip, but water past TSA screening can cost up to $6 a bottle. If you pack and empty water bottle you can fill it up at any of the restaurants in your terminal, drinking fountains and anywhere at your destinations to avoid another $4 bottle at your hotel.

That’s my comprehensive list of Spring Break packing tips. This list can also be used all year round. If you feel like I’ve missed out on any important tips, share them with us using  #CampusCropChat on our Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.