In the journalism and public relations system, giving up coffee is considered especially heinous. In the ASI MDPR office, the dedicated writers and editors who investigate these vicious practices for your entertainment are members of an elite squad known as the Campus Crop writers. These are their stories:

a man saying he needs coffee

This year for lent, I wanted to give up something that I love tremendously. I pondered; should I give up junk food, social media or something else? They just didn’t seem right. Thanks to a BuzzFeed quiz, I decided to give up coffee. I thought, “Perfect! I loveee coffee! I can totally do this!”

My co-workers were wary of my choice. They knew that I consumed about six to eight cups of coffee each day.

people talking about coffee

But I thought, “Hey it’s just coffee. I don’t need it, right?”


You all have no idea how much I want coffee. I’m thinking about it right now actually.

The worst part, is that I have to go through finals week without a drop of coffee. *shudders*

a man throwing up his arms saying "no!"

I didn’t know that I was actually considered to be an addict; I just considered myself to be an “avid coffee drinker,” or a “coffee aficionado.” However, I soon realized that I wasn’t myself after just a few days of giving up coffee. I suffered through terrible migraines that lasted days, fevers, dizziness, nausea and overall sickness feelings.

According to, I was going through major caffeine withdrawals. It even states:  “You’ll be comforted to know that you aren’t really dying but just detoxing from the caffeine.”

Hmm, yeah, that’s not very comforting.

a woman saying she needs coffee in an IV

My coffee cravings became so strong, that I sunk so far as to stealing some Red Bull out of my co-worker’s stash (by the way, thanks Gilbert, I owe you…). But they didn’t help at all! There is no substitute for the sensation of coffee.

a man throwing things

I’ve been drinking a lot of tea lately, but it’s just not the same. Right now, my favorite thing at Starbucks is a sweetened black tea with soy milk. But every time I see coffee, I want to cry inside.

a woman saying she can't breathe

Coffee also really helps me with my mood. When I drink coffee, I’m alert, happy and all about tackling my day. Lately though, it’s been mood swing city, as my body has been “detoxing.” My co-workers have been amazing and haven’t held me accountable for being on the edge (thanks y’all).

a man saying "it's like a hug in a cup"

There was even one time when I was shaking at work from an extreme headache. My co-workers made me buy an iced coffee. It was one of the most pleasant moments of my existence. A religious experience, if you will.

A woman saying "yess lawdd"

It’s been about three weeks now, and I think I’m finally starting to get used to a coffee-free lifestyle. However, as soon as April 5 rolls around, best believe that I’m jumping back on the coffee train immediately. However, I’m hoping that I will be able to limit my consumption from eight cups to about two to three cups per day.


a woman doing "cheers"

Have you ever quit something cold turkey? Let us know via ASI Facebook,Twitter and Instagram using #CampusCropChat!