Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) is one of the most diverse campuses in the California State University (CSU) system. In fact, U.S. News and World Report ranked us fourth in student diversity. We have six different cultural centers that reflect the multicultural diversity on our campus. The centers are great places for students to find an on-campus community, but they also offer a ton of valuable resources, both personal and academic. Here’s a quick debriefing of the cultural centers on our campus.

African American Student Center

African american student center logo of a heart
Image via African American Student Center Facebook

Location: Bldg. 95-201

Phone: (909) 869-5006


Based on the motto, “It takes an entire village to raise one child,” the African American Student Center‘s (AASC) goal is to enhance the experience of African American students on campus, especially by hosting workshops that encourage positive dialogue about current issues in the community, including police brutality and pursuing higher education as a minority.

  • free printing
  • study space in The Madagascar Room
  • AASC scholarships
  • a network of clubs for leadership development
  • discussions on current topics in the black community

Asian and Pacific Islander Center 

API logo representing Asian countries interconnected in a circle
Image via Asian and Pacific Islander Student Center Facebook

Location: Bldg. 95

Phone:  (909) 869-5025


The Asian and Pacific Islander Center is a space for CPP’s Asian and Pacific Islander (API) students to meet and share academic and personal resources. A recent addition to the center is the API Student Center Community Talks, a space for students to talk about current events in their community. Keep an eye out for Urban Showcase, a hip-hop dance showcase hosted by the center.

  • free printing
  • lounge area
  • Public Relations Center for students to create fliers for events
  • scholarship opportunities
  • Pan-Asian graduation (for API identifying students)
  • cultural events including the Lunar New Year celebration and Diwali Festival

Cesar E. Chavez Center for Higher Education

Cesar E. Chavez logo
Image via Cesar Chavez Center Facebook

Location: Bldg. 95-201

Phone:  (909) 869-5035


With events like the annual Dia de los Muertos celebration, The Cesar E. Chavez Center for Higher Education is always active on campus. The center aims to help Chicano and Latino students thrive academically while celebrating their culture on campus with a variety of events such as Café con CECCHE, a social event to discuss current Chicano and Latino issues.

  • personal, academic and professional advising
  • volunteer opportunities
  • leadership opportunities
  • diversity workshops
  • cultural events

Native American Student Center 

NASC logo of a sun
Image via Native American Student Center Facebook

Location: Bldg. 26-105

Phone: (909) 869-3967

Native American students represent less than one percent of the population on campus—that being said, The Native American Student Center offers a variety of ways to foster a sense of community for students. According to Social Justice Leader at the center, Alex Santrack, the center plans to do just that by hosting a powwow in the spring quarter to “make us more visible, especially to students who don’t know about us.”

  • community space
  • multimedia center
  • free printing
  • scholarship announcements
  • community events including movie nights and socials
  • Native Scholars Lecture Series and more workshops

Pride Center

The Pride Center's rainbow logo
Image via Pride Center at Cal Poly Pomona Facebook

Location: Bldg. 26-107

Phone: (909) 869-2573


The Pride Center is among the youngest of the cultural centers, having opened officially in 1995, but it has remained true to its original goal of creating a support system for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTIQQ) students here at CPP.

  • Pride Center scholarships
  • academic and personal support
  • “Queer Chats,” a discussion group for members of the LGBTIQQ community
  • Safe Zone Ally Training for CPP students, faculty and staff who want to support their LGBTIQQ peers

Women’s Resource Center
The WRC's logo
Image via Women’s Resource Center Facebook

Location: Bldg. 95

Phone: (909) 869-3112
You may have heard of the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) because of their events such as Little Black Dress or The Vagina Monologues. The WRC is a safe space for all female-identifying individuals to study, meet new friends or just relax (although anyone is welcome).

  • free printing
  • free Scranton
  • educational workshops about gender issues
  • “Girl Night,” a weekly discussion revolving around women’s issues
  • a nursing room for mothers

The cultural centers welcome all CPP students to visit and see what they are about. If you want to learn more, visit the Office of Student Life Cultural Centers’ (OSLCC) website here.

We want to know which cultural center has impacted you! Share with us using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow us on Snapchat @asicpp.