Foothill Transit bus driving past Cal Poly Pomona

There are many ways commuters can get to campus. If you are coming from off-campus, you may have the choice between public transportation, biking, walking or commuting by car.

In my four years at Cal Poly Pomona, I have done all of the above. Which option works best really can change in your four years too, so it’s good to know about all of the possibilities.

This part-one of three, on a series about commuting to campus, will focus on getting to school by public transportation, such as on a train or bus…or bird or a plane…just kidding. Let me take you for a ride and be the tour guide for all of your campus travel options.

1. See what Rideshare can offer you.
As a Rideshare participant, you could be reimbursed up to $90 a month for riding the train. Interested in trying it out? Contact the Rideshare office for a complimentary round-trip ticket.

Commuters who take the Foothill Transit or Metro could be reimbursed up to $70 a month.

2. Map out your route.
bus stop at Temple and So. Campus
Public transportation can be a bit tricky, so you need to know exactly where to go before getting on any moving vehicle. Otherwise, you may end up heading to the wrong part of town. The Rideshare office can assist you in finding the best route and schedules.

Always be sure you’re not only going on the right number bus or train, but that you’re also headed the right direction and don’t miss your stop. Check the Metrolink and Foothill Transit schedules before leaving the house.

3. Get to the stop early.
It’s not unusual for buses or trains to run late. Occasionally they even get to their stops early and leave before the designated stop time come up. Keep that in mind and consider giving yourself an extra cushion of time. It’s better to get to class early than late.

4. Get a TAP card, especially if you use the bus often.
TAP card
The TAP, or Transit Access Pass, allows you to buy and electronically load Metro passes, participating regional and local transit line passes, electronic cash or any combination of the three. All you have to do is scan it on a bus instead of inserting coins. Get a Metro College/Vocational TAP Card from the Games Room Etc. for a discount.

5. Have spare change, just in case.
It’s no fun to walk all the way to a bus stop and then realize you’re out of cash and your pass ran out of money. Be sure to have bus or train fare on you so you’re never stranded. The Games Room Etc. in the Bronco Student Center has a change machine you can use.

For more information on commuting to campus, see what commute choices Parking and Transportation Services has to offer.

Stay tuned for communting to campus part-two!