Whether it’s your physical appearance, your grades, your finances or your relationship status, your insecurities are something that can eat you alive if not dealt with accordingly. If you’re feeling down and out about yourself, here are a few reminders that you might need!

You’re simultaneously the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be right this second. 
Schmidt from New Girl says, "Can we just take a moment to celebrate me?"You’ve already learned a million things thus far (you wise one, you) and you’ll learn a million more. You’re just getting better and better from here on out. Don’t fret the things about yourself that you don’t like because you have so much more time to change them!

Perfection is simply a concept you created in your head, so why not deem yourself perfect?
Beyonce sings in her music video, "I woke up like this... flawless."Your hair, eyebrows, legs, arms or your weight have you feeling insecure? No need! I’ll be the first to admit that some days, I look in the mirror and immediately want to crawl in a hole and disappear for a decade. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t look in the mirror other days and check myself out… maybe even throw in a wink sometimes. We all have our good and bad days, but we can’t let those bad days turn into weeks. Be over confident and be in love with yourself. There’s nothing wrong with liking the way you look!

Your grades don’t define who you were, are or will be. 
A young teenage girl says, "A passing grade? Like a C? Why don't I just get pregnant at a bus station?"And this definitely goes both ways—good grades don’t mean you’re any better and poor grades don’t make you any worse. Maybe it says something about your studying habits, but it definitely has nothing to do with who you are as a person. If you’re insecure about your academic standing, take a second to really sit back and relax. The stress that comes with school can really take the motivation out of you. But remember that in ten years, that quiz you bombed isn’t going to matter!

Significant others are great and all, but pizza and chocolate fill the void better than anyone else.
A man is asked "What's your relationship status?" He answers, "Mainly sort of crying."Whether you’re single, taken or mending a broken heart, your relationship status is definitely not something you need to fret over. Ultimately, no matter what, at the end of the day, all that matters is that you’re happy! And you definitely don’t need a man or woman on your arms to make you happy. Again, we have pizza and chocolate for that.

What are some things you like to remind yourself when you’re feeling down and out? Let us know with the hashtag, #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!