Taking your first steps into the real world can be a terrifying thought, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s never too early to start thinking about your future, and the sooner you get out there, the sooner you can land your dream job!

Where to begin
Finding potential internship opportunities is easier than you think. You can begin by visiting our campus Career Center (Bldg. 97) or by browsing job opportunities on our very own digital database, Bronco Connection.

And if you’re looking for a job that’s both rewarding and convenient, you should consider working on campus with your fellow colleagues at Associated Students Incorporated (ASI). You can always stop by the ASI Human Resources Office (Bldg. 35-2325) or view their current part-time student positions online.

Still feeling lost? Take a look at some of our favorite resources to help get you started:

LinkedIn Logo
Image via LinkedIn Facebook

LinkedIn is the ultimate online resource for creating a professional network online. Your LinkedIn profile is basically your digital resume, so it should be one of the first professional profiles you create online. And don’t get discouraged if you don’t have much to put on your profile, don’t forget that we all have to start somewhere!

Helpful Tip: Browse other LinkedIn profiles to see how others got started on their work journeys!

The Muse
The Muse Logo
Image via @dailymuse

The Muse is a helpful online career resource that offers insightful career advice from experts and gives you access to hundreds of job opportunities. Their articles are great for getting tips on anything and everything related to finding and getting your dream job! They also offer coaching packages to help on topics such as interviewing, networking strategies and resume editing.

Helpful Articles from The Muse:

Glassdoor logo
Image via glassdoor.com

Don’t know exactly what company you want to work for? Or want to get insight from former and current company employees? Glassdoor allows you to research companies, compare salaries and prepares you with potential interview questions. Check out Glassdoor for Students to help get you started on your search for entry-level jobs and internships!

Helpful Articles from Glassdoor:

Looksharp Logo
Image via Looksharp Facebook

Looksharp is a one-stop shop for finding your first internship. You can browse job opportunities, find resume and cover letter templates or even create a professional online profile to help showcase all of your accomplishments and work history. Think LinkedIn meets Glassdoor meets The Muse!


Image via Switch Facebook

The Switch app is known as the Tinder for Jobs. Create your profile and begin your search by swiping right to show your interest or swiping left to keep looking. Switch will also connect you with hiring managers and email you with weekly job recommendations. Best of all, the app is free to download and is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Don’t Forget to Stay Organized

Image via themuse.com

Keep a detailed spreadsheet of any potential internships to keep yourself organized. You can include information such as important contacts, deadlines and any materials you might need. Create reminders for yourself and keep in mind that companies hire at different times throughout the year.

Helpful Articles:

Informational Interviews

Image via themuse.com

Take your research to the next level with an informational interview. Informational interviews are a great way to show your interest in a company, gain insider knowledge and brush up on interview skills in an informal environment. So once you have a detailed list of your potential dream companies and take into consideration the size of the company, reach out to people that are in an aspirational position. You may not be able to reach out to the CEO of a company, but maybe a coordinator at the company will be just a valuable to meet with. But first you need to do your research, since the people you’re reaching out to are going to be taking time of their day to meet with you be prepared with questions that will make a lasting impression. Reaching out to a potential employer not only shows your interest, but allows them to see your dedication and ability to take initiative in your future.

Helpful Articles About Informational Interviews:

Share with us your dream internship by using the hashtag #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Don’t forget to follow us on Snapchat @ASICPP!