Former Cal Poly Pomona University President, Bob Suzuki

April 12, 2012 marked the 20th Anniversary of Cal Poly’s Unity Luncheon, an event that celebrates the diversity of our campus as well as strives to raise scholarship money for students. The event brought about 400 students, staff, faculty and community members to Ursa Major at the Bronco Student Center (BSC) and celebrated the theme, “Framing Your Identity.”

The main event of the afternoon was the keynote by former Cal Poly Pomona President, Dr. Bob H. Suzuki. He spoke about his time at Cal Poly and how he really appreciated the cultural diversity on our campus. He also mentioned that we can “achieve unity with diversity but remember, it’s easier said than done.”

One of the chairs of the event and Residence Life Coordinator of Alamitos Hall, Sharon Rocacorba, commented on former President Suzuki’s work at the university.

“He was instrumental in the creation of the cultural centers,” says Rocacorba.

Suzuki talked about how important the cultural centers are in helping students frame their identity, tying in the theme of the event.

The event also featured Taiko drummers, opportunity drawings for various prizes including Disneyland tickets, excerpts from the theatre production “FOB,” and a piano performance by Iranian American artist, Amir London.

The Unity Luncheon is a collaboration of the Kellogg Honors College, Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers, Human Resources Department, Orientation Services, University Housing Services, the Office of Public Affairs in addition to University Facilities.

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