
As children, most of us wanted nothing more than to grow up. Media made adulthood look so easy and glamorous, but now that we’re finally here and actually “grown up,” it’s hard to remember why exactly we wanted to in the first place. With all the stressful responsibilities, never-ending “what are you going to do with your life” questions, and insane expectations that come with our 20s, it’s easy to get confused and lost in this decade of our lives.

But “lost” doesn’t necessarily have to mean done for. We’re still trying to figure out what we want and who we are, so what better time than our 20s to stumble around a bit? As long as we learn from them, this is the prime time for a few mistakes (probably a few hundred, that is). So here are five of some of the most important things to learn before anyone enters this oh-so-glamorous decade of their life.

1. Learn when it’s right to let go.
“You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.”
– Gordon B. Hinckley

Whether it’s love, friendship, school or work, this applies to everything in your life. No matter what it is, we all know it’s hard to let go of something we’ve had for such a long time. It can be the end of a relationship, the loss of a friendship, the bittersweet feeling of a graduation, or simply time to move on from a job that’s given you all that you can take from it. More often than not, it’s hard to know when to keep on with something or walk away towards something even better. If it’s standing in the way of you and your happiness, it’s time to try the latter. Who knows? Plan B could always outshine Plan A.

2. Have an open mind.
“Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.”
– John Wooden

We’re lucky enough to live in a world where some of the best things you’ll learn in life can be taught by the people around you. Some of the best life lessons come from those who differ from you and your beliefs. It’s 2014, and though some people still have a hard time grasping the idea that we are all very different, whether it be in gender, race, sexuality, age or religion, it’s important to remember that it’s our differences that makes us each individually unique and special. Do you ever wonder how beautiful the world would be if we all took a second to stop and listen to each other’s stories? Living life in ignorance is no way to live life at all. Walk into the world with an open mind and remember we’ve all had our struggles, and we’re all just trying to learn more. Why not learn from each other?

3. You can’t wait for everything to come to you.
“There are 7 days in a week and SOMEDAY isn’t one of them.”
– Rita Chand

You’ve heard at least once before that “good things will come to those who wait.” And while that can be true in some cases, most of the time, waiting can be your downfall. The problem with waiting is that you are letting your fate rest in the hands of someone else, and in reality, don’t you want to be the one who gets a say in what happens in your life? It’s a comforting idea, pretending that you don’t really have to do anything and that Fate will work its magic in due time. But let’s be real. We’ve already agreed that life isn’t easy; we aren’t going to get through this decade without a little elbow grease! Work hard for what you want, and you’ll reap the rewards soon enough!

4. Do what makes you happy, no matter what anyone says.
“To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.”
– Albert Camus

Someday, we’re going to lay down for the last time and take our last breaths—that’s no secret. When that happens, do you think you’ll spend your last moments thinking about the Mercedes in the garage? How about the clothes you spent thousands on? The fancy gadgets you fawned over 24/7? Chances are, you won’t. The last things you’ll think about are the memories you crafted, the impact your life made, and most importantly, the people who are surrounding you at that very moment. That being said, we only have an average of 80 years to spend here. Don’t waste a second of it doing something you don’t want to. Do not let your parents dictate your career, do not let your significant other hold you back, and do not let your friends make you feel inferior. No one can handle your life better than you can! Do what makes you the happiest so that you can spend those last moments feeling complete.

5. Nothing is permanent.
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”
– Charlie Chaplin

Here’s the hard truth: you are going to have some of the worst days of your life so far. Some nights, you’ll sleep with a heavy heart, and some mornings, you’ll find it hard to wake up. There will be days when you swear you can physically feel the pain in your bones. It’ll feel like the end of the world sometimes. Being as young as we are, we’re quick to believe that everything that happens to us is a permanent scar on our lives and as romantic of an idea as that is, the more we grow up, the more we’ll come to understand that all scars fade and turn to flecks. If happiness isn’t permanent then neither is sadness, and one day, you’ll look back at those grayer days and it’ll seem like a whole different life. All the feelings you have, whether good or bad, will pass. And though that does mean that the better days will go, try to find solace in the fact that the worse days will too. Our lives are the most malleable and impermanent possession we have—treat it as so.

There are so many more lessons to be learned; it’s virtually impossible to write about them all. But hopefully, you can take these five and carry on into your 20s with the confidence that you’ll come out the other side, able to say you survived the craziness of it all.

Are there any lessons or stories you want to share with us? Let us know about all your 20-something shenanigans using the hashtag, #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, and we might just share them with our followers!