Light bulb, light switch, earth

Do your part!

With all of the excitement and anticipation of summer, it’s undoubtedly a time for us students to take a breather and do all of those things that we couldn’t do when we were up all night writing policy reports or crying over data analysis (just me perhaps?).

However, with all of the joy of not having school and the opportunity to sleep, it’s easy to forget that summer is the time of year where we need to be most conscious of saving energy!

Summer is the notorious season for showing those “save energy” commercials on TV. But let’s face it, you’re laying in your room with the air conditioning blasting and your phone and laptop are both plugged in, stocking up on battery power.

We all do it, but it’s actually super easy to make simple changes over summer to decrease your energy consumption, which may also result in a decrease in your energy bills (natural resources for the win!).

Someone turning off a light

Here’s a few tips I’ve compiled to help you do your part in sustaining energy:

1. Unplug your devices when you don’t need to charge them.

Don’t leave them plugged in once they are done charging either! And for goodness sake, DO NOT leave your charger plugged into the wall if it’s not even connected to your device. Smh.


2. Use a fan when you can, instead of turning on the air conditioning.

This will save you money and still keep you cool. If you do use the AC, keep it at 78 degrees.


3. Keep your windows and blinds closed until sundown.

This easy tip will help to keep out the heat from coming inside. Plus, you’ve just created the perfect ambiance for a summer movie marathon!


4. If you’re leaving a room, turn off the light!

…do I really need to explain why?



Seriously, it’s summer, what are you even doing at home? The beach is the best place to enjoy that nice ocean breeze with shops and eateries conveniently nearby. Shoes and shirts optional (but make sure to cover up with swimwear, of course!).


Now go out and save energy like a pro! Happy Summer Broncos!