Lemon Shrimp Pasta for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and you have yet to make plans. Or maybe you’re slowly coming to the realization that for most of us college students, the notion of the fancy five-star restaurant dinner is not only slightly daunting and nerve-wracking, but it’s also likely to be out of your budget.

Whether you’re making plans with your sweetie, your besties or even your parents, we’ve got some fun dinner ideas that will not only save you more money (so you can splurge more on your valentine’s gift) it’ll also give you more chances to get close and personal with your valentine(s).

Now don’t get me wrong, the idea of getting all dressed up and enjoying a dinner in a candlelit restaurant is intriguing, but wouldn’t it be more fun to have a night in, make the meal with your date and share it?

Start off by setting the intimate mood with these music selections and decorating  ideas from Better Homes and Gardens.

Give fries a new twist by making it an appetizer like this.

Share a lemon shrimp and tomato pasta main course with your date a la Lady and the Tramp.

Of course, the night cannot end without a little chocolate. Ditch that box of See’s Candy, try this Diet-friendly fondue recipe instead.

If you want to get a little fancier and have room to splurge on your dinner, you can try this lobster recipe from userealbutter.com.

So skip making the reservations, grab your exciting Valentine’s Day grocery list and try these recipes instead. You don’t really need to wait for Valentine’s Day, try one tonight! Pop a bottle of bubbly (and by bubbly we mean soda pop, of course), play your favorite rom-com movie, sit back, relax and enjoy your yummy creation!