A man with sunglasses on saying he's alone

Most of my friends are in relationships, and I’m happy to say that their boyfriends and girlfriends have become additions to our circle of friends.  However, even though their significant others are my friends too- they’re all still couples, and it can get awkward when we hang out.

As the token single friend, I thought I’d shed some light on what we third-wheel, fifth-wheel or any other odd-numbered wheel-people experience:


This would have been a date if you weren’t there.

a man interrupting his friends

We often feel as though we are interrupting an intimate moment between the couple(s) we’re with… and it makes for an awkward situation.


They ALWAYS know someone they should set you up with.

a girl smiling awkardly

“OMG, his friend Sammy would be perfect for you! He has a blog, so you’ll like him.” SOUNDS AWESOME -___-


They want you to be as happy as they are.

a girl walking away from a couple

“One day you’ll have this too! Don’t even worry about it girl!”


Don’t even try to go to a theme park, fair, or anywhere that has seats.

a man saying he's not alone because he has himself

You all go together. I’ll just go as SINGLE-RIDER.


You can’t split food.

a couple sharing food and a girl eating by herself

It’s cool, you two split a pizza… MORE FOR ME. HAHAHAHAHA…..(cries).


They feel bad about showing affection when you’re there.

a guy sitting in between two couples

“I’m so sorry, does it bother you when we’re making out in front of you?” NOPE, PRETEND LIKE I’M NOT EVEN HERE!


You never know where to stand.

a man standing next to a kissing couple

In front of them? In back, on the side?!


They’ll start to have a small argument and they want you to pick a side. 

a man saying he is uncomfortable

IS WING STOP BETTER THAN BUFFALO WILD WINGS? I don’t care since we’re at Red Robin…


You start to wonder why you even accepted the offer to go out.

a woman saying she's alone

LOL oh yeah, ’cause I’m single.


So, same time next week? Until next time friends!

a girl flopping into bed with ice cream

Have any of you been in this position before? Let us know your third-wheel stories on #CampusCropChat via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Broncos!


**Photo courtesy of Giphy