As we continue to live in a world where COVID-19 is a thing, we begin to realize all the little things we miss doing. With there being not much else to do, we’re sure that you already have a few things in mind, but read to find out what we’ll be doing!

Catching up in person with friends and family
We already know that this is most likely the top thing you want to do when all this is over, but we couldn’t help but let you know—it’s ours too! #Stayhome is necessary so we can beat COVID, but isolation can be hard at times. We miss seeing the people we love, but don’t worry. When all this is over, we’ll catch up with our friends and family and make new memories and experiences!

Going out to eat

Since we mentioned our friends and family, does anyone else miss going out to eat with them? Maybe it’s just me, but it always felt like a special occasion to go out and eat at a restaurant. Even if it’s just your local diner, good food and great company can really make a day special.

Gym, please!

At-home workouts have been going well. It’s a good way to stay occupied and healthy, and they relieve the stress in our lives. Honestly, it’s just not the same as going to the gym though. If you’re like many of us, you don’t have all the equipment in your garage that the gym has available. And when you’re at the gym, you’re not as likely to get distracted by things such as the couch or our comfy beds. You’re solely there to get your workout in, and you better believe that’s what we’ll be doing when they open back up. But if home workouts are your thing, more power to you! In fact, make sure you check out how you can enjoy your home workouts here.


Is anybody else’s hair a mess? I know we’ve done our best to maintain our hair, with some of us attempting at-home haircuts or hair dying. For some, it might have been a fun idea and came out looking amazing. And for others, we weren’t so lucky. Whatever it may be, it’s always a treat going out and getting your hair done. We’re not just excited for our hair either. Whether it be getting our eyebrows done, a facial, our nails or even a massage, we just know we’ll definitely be treating ourselves. Spa day anyone?

What are you planning on doing once it’s safe to go out? Let us know what you’re looking forward to by tagging us at @asicpp on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtag #CampusCropChat!