Graduation season is here, Broncos! Whether you are a 2024 graduate or have some time left, it’s good to envision what you want your graduate photos to look like prior to taking them. Let’s discuss various location ideas (on and off campus) and accessible alternatives to help achieve the perfect graduation photos

(Alt Text: Grad student standing in front of the bronco statue with confetti falling in the air)

Image via Bryan Mira 

On-Campus Photo Ideas:  


Images via Jay Gelvezon, Nick Lie, CPP News, @franc1schoe (Reddit)

As one ventures around campus, it’s common to see the abundance of green spaces our campus provides. With such diverse spaces that contain flowers and foliage, we often fail to notice these bountiful locations can be used for grad photoshoots! If you are aiming for spots filled with all things green, consider these nature-based locations found on campus: 

  • Aratani Japanese Garden – Located northwest of Bldg. 98C, the Japanese Garden has proven to be a popular photo spot. This location includes a wide selection of assorted Japanese nature, along with a pond that crosses over a small body of water in the center of the garden. 


  • Rose Garden  – Located next to the Business Administration building (Bldg. 162). The garden contains six rows of various floral types and a white wooden gazebo to either pose inside or in front of. The roses are at their prime during the spring semester, as the summer heat during the fall takes away the vibrancy of the flowers.  


  • Park at 98  – Once where the CLA tower used to stand, is now the newly renovated green space park behind Bldg. 98C which neighbors the Japanese Garden. The space honors the CLA building with its triangular layout and consisting of tables with umbrellas and brightly colored chairs. 


  • Voorhis Park – Located east of Bldg. 98C, west of Parking Structure 1 (Bldg. 106). This circular garden contains a large tree surrounded by yellow roses, bushes that complement the flora, and benches to sit on. The combination of our school colors (yellow and green) perfectly encapsulates the space all throughout. It’s also in close distance from the Japanese and rose garden, don’t miss out on this underrated spot! 


Images via Makito Umekita, Brittany Hannon Photography, Dreams + Darlings Photography, Cal Poly Pomona

Whether the building is one you frequented during your time at CPP or you just admire its visually pleasing architecture, you should keep these locations in mind while planning: 

  • University PlazaLocated east of the Bronco Student Center (Bldg. 35). Also known as the “old stables,” includes an archway with our school’s name, surrounding palm trees, and an outdoor water fountain. This building is filled with multiple photo advantages that tie to its rich history.  


  • Building with the title of your department Standing in front of a structure with your department’s official title will honor your hard work and can give thanks for the opportunities the institute provided for you at CPP. 


  • Building 1 – This building can be found north of University Quad. A great option that also displays our school’s name and a small clock above its title. The area also contains palm trees surrounding the building. 

Honorable Mentions 

Images via Nick Lie, Cal Poly Pomona, California By Choice

  • Bronco StatueYou can locate this statue northwest of the Bronco Recreation and Intramural Complex (BRIC, Bldg. 42), better known as the Bronco Commons. The bronze, life-sized statue of an Arabian horse lets you pose in front of our school’s mascot, highlighting your school spirit. 


  • CPP Letters These large green letters can be found behind Bldg. 98C. The letters were installed at the end of the Spring 2023 semester. Making this spot just as distinctive since previous years didn’t have access to this statue like students do now.  


  • Arabian Horse Center – Located west of the Equine Research Facility (Bldg. 67). Want to flaunt your love of being a bronco? Why not pose in front of the real-life broncos (aka the Arabian horses) themselves! Be mindful of the centers hours of operations/visiting hours to plan accordingly. Make sure to also check in with the center before stopping by and adhere to guidelines when it comes to taking photos near the horse stables. 


  • University LibraryIf you spent lots of your study time here, taking photos inside the building can make up for unique results. Whether you capture moments sitting at one of the study desks or standing in the endless rows of bookshelves can highlight your studious endeavors.  


Off-Campus Photos: 

Suppose you don’t have the means to schedule a photoshoot on campus. Not to worry! Taking photos elsewhere can substitute for one-of-a-kind selections. It will leave the door open for endless location possibilities. 


The significance of taking off-campus photos  

Consider places that have a personal connection to you. How can you use those surroundings to reflect that you are a graduating student? What ways can you tell a story through photos about your educational experience?  

Perhaps your home shaped you to be the person you are today. Being photographed in specific spots of your home that have personal meaning to you can celebrate your own story. Another example could your favorite spots in a town or city you reside in. Paying homage to your roots reflects how you built your way up during your time in college or even the spots that helped you unwind during the process.   



Keep in mind that you do not need a professional photographer. Using your own cell phone can be just as effective as using a digital camera and less of a hassle to research and hire a professional photographer. In the end, it is all about celebrating your achievement!  

Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) also offered free graduate portraits on April 20 and May 10 for the class of 2024. Keep an eye out for photoshoot opportunities in the future on ASI’s social media (listed at the end of this article) if you would like a professional photoshoot at no additional cost!  


Reminders + Conclusion 


It is common for graduate photoshoots to make use of props such as confetti, balloons, etc. Our institute shared a public statement to keep spaces clean and pick up after yourselves, as it is harmful for any given environment. Particularly with waste that is harder to clean up after, such as shards of glass or pieces of scattered confetti. 



This is just a fraction of the many unique locations to choose from. No matter how you approach your photo taking process, remind yourself how you can show off you and all your hard work. Whether that corresponds to your own interests, major you are studying, or personality. 

What are your graduate photo plans? Let us know if these tips helped on our social media @ASICPP on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok!