In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) Campus Recreation teamed up with Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) and the Wellness Center for the iconic Big Pink Volleyball tournament on Friday, Oct. 14.

The tournament took place outdoors at Bronco Commons, where students came out to play with their team or support their friends from the sidelines. ZTA showed up strong with a table full of pink swag and information about Breast Cancer Awareness and Education as part of the sorority’s Think Pink week.
ZTA's Breast Cancer Awareness table featured pink swag to give away

“We [ZTA] partnered with [ASI Campus Rec]. Originally we were going to do a football game but they [Campus Rec] asked us to extend to the whole campus community and we thought that was an amazing idea,” said Isabella Quintero, third-year communication student.

The Wellness Center went pink themselves with a Myth vs. Fact prize wheel, informational handouts, breast cancer trivia and plenty of pink prizes.
The Wellness Center had a table full of pink prizes

“It’s important for young people to learn about breast cancer because there are things that we can do to lower our risk of developing breast cancer,” said  Katie Wang, peer health educator. “We encourage regular physical activity, proper nutrition and to get screened if any symptoms appear.”

Students had the opportunity to spin a Myth vs. Fact wheel at the event
“Our spin-the-wheel game had a genre of Myth vs Fact, which caught a lot of students’ attention. The questions that I asked were meant to be applicable to daily life, which is why the game covered risk factors, prevention, screening and common misconceptions,” Wang said.

Students participate in the volleyball game
Nothing like a little friendly competition to spike conversations about health and wellness!

Two members of ZTA pose with the big pink volleyball

How could anyone pass up a photo opp with the big pink volleyball itself?

“Even though it’s a fun way to get the name out, in all seriousness it does get people aware of how to check [themselves], early detection and know the risks involved. We do it in a lighter way so it’s not so heavy-hearted, it’s more in the spirit of the survivors,” Quintero said.

If you want to learn more about the services the Wellness Center offers students, visit their website here.

Make sure to follow Campus Rec on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up with all of their upcoming events!