One of ASI’s key goals is to provide student representation both at the campus level and at the California State University (CSU) system-wide level, effectively acting as the voice for the student body. ASI is taking a stand this spring quarter in advocating for your rights as students of the CSU both with participation and innovation.

California State Student Association (CSSA), the group recognized as the voice for more than 450,000 students in the CSU system, is designed to maintain and enhance accessibility for the people of California to use the CSU system.

In line with their mission statement, the CSSA is moving forward with its newest educational campaign “Made in the CSU,” designed to educate and inform the public and the California legislature of the economic impact the CSU has in contributing to California’s workforce. Through this education, the CSSA hopes to help gain legislative support for funding the CSU system.

CPP is helping out in two very important ways. First, ASI’s very own marketing department, Gas Creative Group, won the bid to create and manage the entire CSSA’s marketing campaign. Complementing the primary message, Cal Poly Pomona students were responsible for creating letters, brochures, t-shirts and even an entire Web site to coincide with the campaign’s marketing.

Secondly, ASI Student Government is lending its support and committed to launching its own comprehensive “Made in the CSU” campaign. Student Government will be making the push to promote the “Made in the CSU” on the CPP campus at the ASI Outreach Tour on April 29, in the University Quad.

Ed Fillinger, Secretary of External Affairs, who helped bring the CSSA campaign to CPP, said that there has never been anything like this effort in the CSU, whereas now every school in the CSU system is participating in the campaign. Fillinger went on to say, “[The CSSA campaign] really is trend setting, and very rewarding to every campus within our system … it’s very impressive that Gas Creative Group helped create the campaign that will set the tone for the next five years in the CSU system.”

Look out for those bright red shirts at outreach events across campus, and make sure to check out information about the campaign and find out what you can do to help further the campaign both on the CPP campus and at the CSU level.

As a student, you can pledge your support in the meantime and gain further information about the campaign on the “Made in the CSU” website, at Student Government’s Secretary of External Affairs Edward Fillinger, can also be reached for questions at (909) 869–3616 or