The new year is quickly approaching, which means it is time to commit to your New Year’s resolution. Sticking to a lifestyle change can be difficult, but did you know that there are hundreds of apps out there that can assist you? Check out our list of the best apps to stick to your resolution below, and maybe you will download one of these apps for 2018!

Enhance your budgeting skills with MintMint application with charts of spending categoriesImage via

Did you treat yo’ self a little too much in 2017? Not to worry, because with Mint, you can pay your bills, check your credit score and create a budget that you can actually follow! Mint helps you manage your money in a feasible way, and you’ll get custom saving tips along the way.

Download Mint for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Sleep better with Sleep Cycle

Sleep cycle application with wave lengths tracking sleep pattern
Image via

If 2017 left you feeling under rested, try Sleep Cycle, an app to help you track and analyze your sleep habits. The app uses sound analysis to summarize your sleep cycles and even your snoring patterns! With a four-and-a-half star rating and over 150,000 reviews at the Apple App Store, you’re sure to catch some more Zs using Sleep Cycle.

Download Sleep Cycle for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Document a little bit of each day with 1SE
1SE application calendar
Image via

If you have a hard time remembering what you did on a given day, and can’t keep a written journal, maybe you should commit to recording your life each day! Before you panic, you only need to record one second of each day using 1SE, an app that will create a video compilation for you after one year of documenting your life in mini videos. This “modern day visual diary” is a resolution that will provide you with tangible evidence that you accomplished it at the end of the year. Check out what a finished product looks like here:

Download 1SE for $4.99 at the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Stay mindful with Aura

Aura application on iphone asking how you are feeling
Image via

If you want 2018 to be a stress and anxiety-free year, Aura’s daily meditations can help you out. This app will guide you through daily three-minute meditations, track your mood, play sounds of nature and more. Take time out of your day for yourself and write statements in the app’s gratitude journal.

Download Aura for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Kick a bad habit (or enforce a new good habit) with Streaks

Streaks application displaying different app features
Image via

For some reason, we find streaks to be incredibly satisfying. If you pride yourself in your hundreds-day-long Snapchat streaks, try out Streaks, an app designed to reward you each day you keep your new habit. Whether it be working out everyday, drinking enough water or reading, Streaks will help you visually track your progress. The to-do list will keep you on track for keeping your new healthy habits or kicking your past bad habits.

Download Streaks for $4.99 at the Apple App Store.

Which app are you going to download to keep your New Year’s resolution? Share with us using #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Don’t forget to follow us on Snapchat @ASICPP!