Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) hosted the first Bronco Night Market in the second week of October. Under strings of lights, the bustling open-air market transformed Bronco Commons into a lively showcase of Bronco talent and ingenuity. Over 30 booths lined the market, brimming with a wide variety of goods such as handmade clothing, jewelry, and ceramics.

Many of these booths were run by Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) student entrepreneurs. For most of these student vendors, the Bronco Night Market was a chance to share their passions and take the first steps toward launching their businesses.

(Alt text: Students shopping at Bronco Night Market booth) 

“I always wanted to start my own business, I just didn’t know how to start,” explained Lauren Cadiente, an accounting student and owner of an embroidery business called Sonik Tooth. “When I saw ASI was looking for student vendors, I just went for it. I told myself if I didn’t sign up now, I’d never be able to do it.”

Fellow student vendor Mei Darmawan echoed similar motivations for participating. “I’ve tried starting my own business and have been looking for places to sell my work,” said Darmawan, owner of the ceramics and sticker shop, Vengeful Deer. “This seemed like a great chance to not only get involved with the school, but also take part in APISC’s Night Market events.”

For these student entrepreneurs, the inaugural Bronco Night Market presented the perfect opportunity to share their artistic passions and accelerate their business dreams. Their enthusiasm was infectious as thousands of attendees browsed the booths, discovering fellow Broncos’ talents while supporting one another.

Beyond the student vendors, the alluring smells of sizzling food trucks and the upbeat sounds of live music filled the air, beckoning attendees into the market’s center. Cheers and laughter rang out from the brightly lit carnival games as students tested their skills to win prizes.

(Alt text: Students participating in carnival games at Bronco Night Market ) 

“I heard about the Bronco Night Market on Instagram a few months ago and I kept seeing posts about it so I ended up deciding to come. The main thing that made me come was the live music here,” said Cade Maw, a second-year aerospace engineering student.

The stage came alive with the sounds of drums, guitars, and student voices. Cultural clubs, dance crews, and individual students showcased their skills. The crowd cheered and sang along as the diverse acts gave students a platform to share pieces of their cultural heritage and talents. With flawless solos, emotive ballads, and pulsing cultural beats, the performers left it all on the stage.

(Alt text: Cultural performances at Bronco Night Market) 

With its success, the Bronco Night Market gave students a taste of what’s possible when Bronco’s spirit and creativity come together.

“Seeing all the students together in Bronco Commons is something I don’t see often so I think it’s really fun to see and the ice cream’s really good,” remarked kinesiology student Anne Taguba on the lively atmosphere.

As the final act closed to thunderous applause, the night market came to an end, but its impact resonated with the buzzing crowd. For student vendors, it was a defining night where entrepreneurial dreams took shape through startup funds and confidence gained. For performers, it provided a platform to bravely share their passions with pride and vulnerability. For attendees, it served as a vibrant community celebration where curiosity was piqued, connections made, and the meaning of the Bronco spirit unveiled.


What was your favorite booth at the Bronco Night Market? Let us know on our social media and keep up to date on more upcoming events @ASICPP on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok!