Outdoor Trips

Learn more about our upcoming trips and register at the ASI Portal!

In-State Trips

Get ready for a weekend that’s not just a dive, but a full-on underwater adventure! Our open water diving adventure is a journey you won’t want to miss. We’re not just diving; we’re diving in style!

First things first—packing. Before we depart, meet us at the BRIC poolside lounge, gear in hand, for a quick check to make sure you’ve got everything you need. You won’t want to forget anything for this epic expedition!

By that evening, we’ll be hitting the road from CPP to our destination. Once we arrive at the boat or hotel, you’ll check in, drop your bags, and get ready to dive into a weekend of pure awesomeness. And remember, you get your own bunk/room—because personal space is key!

A group of seven scuba divers in wetsuits and snorkeling gear floating on the surface of the sea, with a rocky island in the background.

The first morning, we’ll kick things off with a hearty breakfast to fuel our underwater adventures. The day is jam-packed with dives, breaks, and meals prepared by our on-board chef.

As the day unfolds, we’ve got morning dives, afternoon dives, certified divers’ optional dives, and even a thrilling night dive under the moonlight. And fear not, dinner is served, ensuring we refuel for more aquatic fun.

Our final day ends with morning dives, lunch, and a return to the harbor by midday with an arrival to CPP by the evening.

But wait, it’s not over until the gear is clean! All divers, it’s time to check in and clean your gear—only about 30 minutes, and you’ll be done. The weekend might be ending, but the memories will last a lifetime!

So, gear up, dive in, and let the underwater adventure of a lifetime begin!

Scuba diver swimming at the Great Barrier Reef

Out-of-State Trips

Welcome to a world where textbooks are replaced by coral reefs, and classrooms are the boundless depths of the ocean! Immerse yourself in ASI’s scuba program’s out-of-state scuba trips, where every dive is an exploration, and every adventure is a lesson in the extraordinary.

Why Dive with Us?
1. Explore Uncharted Waters: Leave the familiar behind and dive into the unknown. Our out-of-state scuba trips take you to awe-inspiring locations that will redefine your understanding of underwater beauty.
2. Expert Guidance: Our seasoned instructors are not just educators; they are passionate divers with a wealth of experience. Learn from the best as you navigate vibrant coral gardens, encounter marine life, and earn certifications that open doors to a lifetime of diving.
3. Diverse Destinations: From the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to the kelp forests of the Pacific Northwest, our scuba program offers a diverse array of out-of-state destinations. Each trip is carefully curated to provide a unique underwater experience.

Our dive community is a supportive network of enthusiasts who understand the transformative power of exploring the depths of the ocean together.

Ready to embark on a journey where education meets adventure? Dive into the unknown with our out-of-state scuba trips. Your underwater classroom awaits!

Out-of-State Trips

Welcome to a world where textbooks are replaced by coral reefs, and classrooms are the boundless depths of the ocean! Immerse yourself in ASI’s scuba program’s out-of-state scuba trips, where every dive is an exploration, and every adventure is a lesson in the extraordinary.

Scuba diver swimming at the Great Barrier Reef

Why Dive with Us?
1. Explore Uncharted Waters: Leave the familiar behind and dive into the unknown. Our out-of-state scuba trips take you to awe-inspiring locations that will redefine your understanding of underwater beauty.
2. Expert Guidance: Our seasoned instructors are not just educators; they are passionate divers with a wealth of experience. Learn from the best as you navigate vibrant coral gardens, encounter marine life, and earn certifications that open doors to a lifetime of diving.
3. Diverse Destinations: From the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to the kelp forests of the Pacific Northwest, our scuba program offers a diverse array of out-of-state destinations. Each trip is carefully curated to provide a unique underwater experience.

Our dive community is a supportive network of enthusiasts who understand the transformative power of exploring the depths of the ocean together.

Ready to embark on a journey where education meets adventure? Dive into the unknown with our out-of-state scuba trips. Your underwater classroom awaits!

Please email asiactivities@cpp.edu if you need an accommodation. Advanced notice of accommodation requests can assist us in providing more effective services.